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Stuck in the On Position - #6388
Life really becomes an adventure when you open up your day to God's sovereign matching of you with people. You pray, "Lord, use my everyday activities to put me in the path of someone who needs me and who needs You."
Monster On the Loose - #6387
Is the monster of ego on the loose inside of you? Before that monster does any more damage, deal with him. Repent of that pride and come back to the simplicity and humility of being surprised that it's you He's using.
How Not to Be a Scary Giant - #6384
The Good News has to be delivered from across from the person, not above the person. See, most of us don't realize we have to come down to their level. Not to do what they do, but to let them know that this is a sinner who's talking to them; a sinner just as in need of saving.
All the Light You Need - #6379
God's will is actually the natural next step for someone who's been following Christ a day at a time. So, you begin your day in His Word, which is the light for your path. And you say, "Lord, what obedient step do You want me to take today? What are Your orders for today?"
Two-Legged Bait - #6367
What changes do your friends and family see in you that would make them want to have an explanation for those changes? That's how you draw men and women to Christ.
The King's Speech - #6366
You know, so often I have failed to deliver the message of Jesus because I was afraid of what might happen to me if I told them. But isn't the greater fear what will happen to them if I don't tell them?
The Witness Protection Program - #6361
The more you're with lost people and the more you're in lost places, the more tightly you need to hold on to Jesus. Stay within the rules. Never flirt with sin so you can continue to be His faithful witness. Flirting with sin is a trap. God's Witness Protection Program says, "Go witness, but always stay safely inside of God's rules."
On a Need-to-Know Basis - #6350
I like the old hymn that says, "We cannot see what lies before, and so we cling to Him the more." Maybe you're frustrated because you want to know the future now. But maybe you're not ready for all of that yet. Let's focus on today - God's leading for this 24 hours. His macro will for your life is made up of a thousand micro wills - a day at a time. So you stay on the path that leads to God's ultimate best; the day at a time path.
Why Mission Impossible Isn't - #6343
God makes you extremely rich in grace so you can make others extremely rich through the good works you have to do. God plenty's us so we can plenty those around us. You have in Christ more than enough grace for every assignment God has given you. And that's why Mission Impossible isn't impossible.
That Wonder-Working Word - #6340
So many objections to being a Christian melt away when you turn the attention to Jesus. "Oh, Christians are hypocrites!" Well, is Jesus? "Christians are inconsistent." Is Jesus? "All the church cares about is money." Does Jesus? What is it about Jesus you don't like? He's the issue. We tend to get off on detours about doctrine, and church, or things we're against. This is a relationship with Jesus Christ - no more/no less.