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Survivors to the Rescue - #6207
As time has gone by, have you become content to just find a warm spot among other people who are already headed for heaven; to believe the beliefs, give the money, be at the meetings, and live as if the reason you were rescued is to enjoy the fellowship of the others who've been rescued? No, you were rescued to rescue.
Catching Fish, Cleaning Fish - #6200
The problem with the lost people you know is not their profanity or their dishonesty or their immorality - they're lost and they're living like it! Their real problem is they need a Savior! Yes, they must repent, but that's part of being rescued by Jesus from their sin! Don't make their lifestyle the issue. Make Jesus the issue, and say with the great spiritual fisherman, Paul, "When I came to you...I resolved to know nothing...except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1-2).
How Your Life - And Your Death - Can Really Count - #6198
if you haven't lived to show Christ to people, your death really can't lift Him up. The death of a man or a woman who has really lived passionately for Christ can have such incredible meaning - helping others be in heaven with you. But a life not lived for Christ just can't have that kind of meaning. Death destroys every reason for living but one - living for Jesus and what matters to Him.
How to Make the World a Little Less Lonely - #6195
Often the key to being the conduit for Jesus' love is what I call the second question. Everybody asks the first question, "How are you doing?" And we robotically answer, "Fine." But the second question asks, "Really?" You'll be amazed how that simple demonstration that you really care how they're doing will often open up a heart-cry that's been buried just beneath the surface.
Church Talk - #6191
We've got to ask God to help us get beyond our "Christianese" and to begin to explain the great words of God's rescue in non-religious words.
Making Sure The Family's There - #6190
It's not about religion. It's all about Jesus and His cross. So stick to that. Pray for an open door to their heart and for then for God's courage and words to go in when He opens the door. God rescued you so the people you love could have Jesus within their reach, living in someone they know. Do all God wants you to do to help everyone you love be in heaven with you.
Bible Bloating - #6180
As you read the Bible, ask yourself two questions: "What is God saying here?" And "What am I going to do differently today because He said it?" God's Holy Spirit knows all about God's Word and all about your life. Each day ask God to show you how to bring those two together.
No Time for Picnics - #6179
The battle for a lost world begins with your own family, your own co-workers, fellow students, and friends. When it comes to telling them what you know about Jesus, silence is not golden - it's deadly. They need to see Jesus in your life. They need to hear about Jesus from your lips.
Where You Were Born to Be - #6174
Follow God where He's taking you. The alternative - a future filled with the bitter regrets of someone who knows they've missed what they were put here for. Don't settle for anything less than being where you were born to be, and doing what you were born to do.
Everyday Stuff, Never Everyday Again - #6170
When you go where you go each day to do what you do, you go on an eternal rescue mission! Jesus put you there so you can take some of those people to heaven with you. Every day, you're there to show by your life the difference that Jesus makes and to capture every God-given opportunity to tell them how they can belong to Him. And suddenly your everyday takes on eternal significance.