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Seeking non-seekers: using the bridge strategy in mission field evangelism

For non-seekers, there are three keys to outreach: the bridge strategy is a key to evangelism in Japan: offering web-pages on secular interests and Japanese culture or felt needs, and building incarnational relationships. As a beautiful illustratration of these opportunities, here are three examples in (non-web) ministry that were very fruitful for Patrick McElligott, a missionary in Japan, as recounted in his book On Giants’ Shoulders. He is a fluent Japanese speaker and writer. For non-seekers, there are three keys to outreach: the bridge strategy is a key to evangelism in Japan: offering web-pages on secular interests and Japanese culture or felt needs, and building incarnational relationships. As a beautiful illustratration of these opportunities, here are three examples in (non-web) ministry that were very fruitful for Patrick McElligott, a missionary in Japan, as recounted in his book On Giants’ Shoulders. He is a fluent Japanese speaker and writer.

Topics: Gospel, Evangelism, Mission, Outreach, Seeker, Good News, Missionary, Japan, Great Commission, Strategy
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