Lausanne World Pulse - Hope 2008 and the Gospel Message in Britain
Youth for Christ in Great Britain seeks to reach the nation through Hope 2008.

International Executive Committee of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
The International Executive Committee (IEC) of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) is pleased to announce that Dr. Daniel Bourdanné has been appointed to succeed Lindsay Brown as general secretary.

Lausanne World Pulse - The Global Status of Evangelical Christianity:
A Model for Identifying Priority People Groups. Assessing the state of evangelical Christianity worldwide is more complex than simply counting resources.

Lausanne World Pulse - Into Their World…The Durbet of Mongolia
With far less than one percent of the Durbet being Christian, this people group needs both physical and spiritual healing.

Lausanne World Pulse - A Focus on Northeast Asia: 473 Least-Reached People groups Remain
A historical review of the least-reached peoples of Northeast Asia and how to reach them through prayer and action.

Lausanne World Pulse - An Overview of Northeast/East Asia
Over one quarter of the world’s population live here, making it the second most populous region in the world. They live mainly in the eastern half; western China and Mongolia are only sparsely inhabited. With seventeen thousand babies born each day, this region will reach 1.6 billion people by 2025

Lausanne World Pulse-Transforming at the Coalition on the Support of Indigenous Ministries
Western and non-Western mission leaders met at the recent COSIM conference to discuss how to support and build Developing World ministries.

Lausanne World Pulse - Missions: A Humble Journey Toward a New Creation
Using the metaphor of the new creation as a guiding vision for missions.

Lausanne World Pulse - National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh Activities
A detailed look at the NCFB and one of the five boards, the Board of Mission and Evangelism.

Lausanne World Pulse - The Sixth World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People
Christian first nation peoples will be gathering for the sixth WCGIP to discuss issues related to indigenous people worldwide.