Reaching hurting people online as a volunteer Christian ementor
"It was a last-ditch effort. Nothing else had worked. No one had answers to my questions, or comfort for my pain..." Requests like this come to the team's outreach websites, and so they need volunteer ementors to write to inquirers, from their homes by email.

An appeal for a 'Christian Commons' approach to booklets and books
It has long been a concern of mine that mission agencies and other ministries should escape a proprietorial mindset of 400 years of print-on-paper culture. They frequently publish advocacy or discipleship books, booklets and group study guides (or hold the copyright to out-of-print titles) which sell only a few hundred copies a year maximum – a distribution output which will therefore be read by a very limited number of people, usually within a single country, and may not even pay for inventory costs. If only missions and ministries could just let them out 'into the wild' in the form of free PDFs, Kindle and iTunes ebooks, and phone apps. Readership will likely go up by a factor of 10, 50 or even 100 times or more, and literature can be used in countries and by demographics who would not previously have had the opportunity to do so.

Social media is not optional for non-profits, ministries, companies
The HooteSuite video below, though it is primarily discussing businesses, clearly explains the importance of social media connectedness at every level in any organization – charity, non-profit, ministry – and emphasizes that in the end, it is just people and relationships. Particularly highlighted in this video: social media needs to permeate through the entire organization, and is not something that is just 'done' by the marketing department. Richard Branson is cited as an example of a CEO who is constantly tweeting.

Watch Disney animation Paperman free, why is animation great?
Thanks to Disney for releasing their 6-minute short animation Paperman completely free to watch below, embed or download. (It's been nominated for an Oscar.) The potential for evangelism through animations is huge. Training is strategic. YWAM offers their annual School of Cartooning and Animation for Missions.

Watch Eugene Peterson talk about storytelling [video]
Storytelling, in its many and various outworkings, is vital in effective communication. If you've got 30 minutes spare this week, come back to this page and take time to learn from Eugene Peterson (Bible translator, The Message) talking to Dean Nelson about stories, the Bible, and more.

Les Mis - the film I want to see again, and why Les Miserables is incredible
"We must go and see this again next week," my wife and I said to each other after watching Les Miserables. This new film is simply amazing. I've already written about the incredible spiritual parallels in the film, the multiple starting points for conversation (many connected with personal pain and life issues), and the growing number of online resources available, especially the Damaris video shorts and study guide, and Rusty Wright's free-to-use article. So this post is a few personal and random thoughts about this production...

The power of introverts - use them in your team or nonprofit
Susan Cain argues that introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated. Our world often prizes extroverts – but Susan makes a case for the quiet and contemplative. Often, introverts are excellent strategics, planners, leaders – and evangelists - because they may be good at listening.

Storytelling resources and why it matters
Two interesting videos on different aspects of storytelling. First, here's a short video from Sean Buluva, an oral communication trainer. It sums up the 9 storytelling tips he also explains in writing.

Free iPad ebook helps Christian writers to communicate better
Two journalism professors from Christian universities have teamed up to make a short iPad-only book that uses interactive content to help new writers snag a byline. "'A One-Step Guide to a Byline' is designed for new writers who want to know the bare minimum for writing an article for the popular press and it uses roll-over features, an interactive quiz and eight videos to help writers succeed," says Michael Ray Smith, project director and professor from Campbell University in Buies Creek.

Evangelistic opportunities online that no one is using
New initiatives don’t happen if we don'[t start them. There are huge numbers of potential digital evangelism strategies no one is doing. Yet. Outsider-friendly stuff that is contextualized for demographics and interest groups with zero interest in the good news. Ways to use popular culture as starting points in conversation. Engaging compassionately with felt needs and worries, or with other worldviews and faith communities. Maybe this infographic will encourage you! (And yes, there's a typo on it!)