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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Paralysis of Analysis - #4217
There are a lot of folks who have a little bit of Tevye in them - always analyzing, often not reaching any conclusion. I'm a data-based decision maker, and I like to weigh all the information I can before making a decision or a commitment. And that's a good thing. Until it paralyzes you. Until it keeps you from exercising the one thing the Bible says you have to have to please God - faith.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Wearing The Jersey, Not On The Team - #4229
Right place, right look, accepted as someone who belonged - but he wasn't really on the team. Oh, when it's a football team, no major harm done. But when it happens on God's team, it's the difference between heaven and hell. That's why Paul gave a riveting warning to the folks in one of the churches he started.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Goodbye, Ordinary! - #4244
An ordinary guy who suddenly realizes that he has some extraordinary powers available to him - and who realizes he can't settle for ordinary anymore. Man, is that a picture of any man or woman in whom Jesus Christ lives! That's the Jesus who blew the doors off His grave on Easter morning, who has conquered death, the most powerful force on earth. The force that has stopped every man - except one Man. And the day you gave yourself to Him, He moved into your life to stay - with all His resurrection power.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hiding In Plain Sight - #4262
When I heard those words - "hidden in plain sight" - I thought to myself, "That phenomenon is not unique." There's something that everyone is looking for ... and it's right there in front of them ... but it's hiding, in plain sight. Because the people who know about it have got it covered up. What's hidden is Jesus and what He did on the cross for every person.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Busting Enemy Bunkers - #4263
The power to destroy an enemy stronghold is a vital element in the outcome of the battle. That's why God has provided to those who belong to Him, weapons strong enough to destroy the strongholds of their enemy. And if you're at all serious about Jesus Christ, you can be sure your enemy is serious about you. The devil is serious about using his entrenched ground in you and around you to limit how victorious you're going to be.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Decorated from the Inside - #4750
All the ugly and dark stuff in our heart is summed up in one Bible word - sin - rebellion against God and His laws. I've tried to be the god of my own life, and it's not working. That's why Jesus came. Our only hope of sin's power being beaten was for God Himself to conquer it, which He did when Jesus paid the debt for our sins on the cross. Then when He conquered death on Easter Morning, He proved there's nothing He can't conquer.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Only Impression that Matters - #4768
There's something very wrong if you are using Jesus to make a name for yourself or to impress other people with you. You're actually hijacking His glory. And there's something wrong if you're not telling people about Jesus because of something about you. It's not who's doing the telling that's the issue, it's who you're telling about - the One who offers the greatest love in the world.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Cannons of Fear and the Courage of Faith - #4769
Fear often keeps us from God's best - parenting out of fear, leading (or failing to lead) because of fear, resisting God's call or God's assignment because of fear, missing God's best because of fear of failure, leaving someone we know spiritually lost because of fear of sharing Jesus with them. Faith, on the other hand, focuses on the greatness of your Lord and reaches for His hand, and says, "I'll go if You're going with me."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Waiting for Your Father - #4770
Some have been so disappointed, either by the father they had or the father they didn't have, that they've just let their hurt turn hard so they don't get hurt anymore. Others have become desperate, trying all kinds of relationships and experiences to fill the hole that only a father can fill, and they've ended up with scars and regrets and still no father. There's a special kind of loneliness, of emptiness, of loss when you've been waiting a long time at the door for that father who has never come. The father you need most, though, has come, and He's coming your direction this very day.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Thirty Seconds After You're Gone - #4780
There is no greater peace than going to sleep at night knowing beyond any shadow of a doubt what will happen when you have taken your last breath - that you're going to be seeing heaven and you'll be seeing Jesus.
