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Why Mission Impossible Isn't - #6343
God makes you extremely rich in grace so you can make others extremely rich through the good works you have to do. God plenty's us so we can plenty those around us. You have in Christ more than enough grace for every assignment God has given you. And that's why Mission Impossible isn't impossible.


The Brink of "I Think I Can't" - #6322
Draw deeply on His strength. Be honest about how desperate you are. And then proceed ahead as if God will get you to the top of the mountain. Because He will, if you are at the brink of "I think I can't." Because then, you're at the brink of God's miraculous enabling.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Fighting for Lives When the Shots Rang Out - #6296 | Your Mission
There is a life-saving emergency right in front of each of us who knows Jesus. We can't wait for a "rescue professional" to get there. If you're with a person in danger of dying, you're responsible. If anything stops us it will be fear.


The Royal Switch - #6265
You have to put the Bible where the dirt has been. You take a Bible bath daily. You dwell on what you read. You write it down in a journal so you remember it. You use it that day so it becomes part of your personality. There's no substitute for memorizing the Word of God.


A Tsunami Every Day - #6245
You have nothing more important you can do with the rest of your life than to invest it in getting the life-saving news about Jesus to as many people as possible while there's still time. Because we are God's warning system. To know the wave is coming and remain silent is to let people die who otherwise might have lived.


Jesus Where You Live - #6234
When you're all wrapped up in yourself and your needs, your hands will always be full of your stuff. But when you step up to serve Jesus each day, to continue His work in your world, then your hands will be giving away what He has to give because what He started, He's left with us to carry on. In so many lives you know, Christ has no hands but your hands.


Drinking Dirt - #6223
Guard your heart as the spiritual reservoir from which you drink all day long. If it's a "bad one," you've got to turn it off if you're serious about really being His man or woman. If you don't want to let dirt into the Holy Spirit's house, filter what you let come in. You wouldn't knowingly let your mouth drink dirt. Well, then, don't let your soul do it!


2 Corinthians LifeGuide Bible Study
In this study guide Paul Stevens shows you how this foundational Christian disciple and church leader will turn your thinking upside down! In everything Paul teaches you to rely, as he did, on God's great promise: "My grace is sufficient for you."


What You Gain From What You Lose - #6199
What senses does God want to deepen through your pain? Incredible qualities like radar for the deep needs behind people's deeds. A sense of compassion, which literally means the ability to "feel with" someone. God can use your pain to cultivate a wonderful tenderness in your heart and your responses. People who have been through the valley with Jesus emerge with an amazing ability to care, to wait, and to trust God.


Preparing For the Worst - #6182
No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control, but they're never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you're facing, because God's plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.
