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Alpha Course concept: how it can be adapted for online evangelism and discipleship
In one sense, there is nothing new about the Alpha Course system. Yet it has been incredibly successful. Why?

Recommended best books for Christian leaders, pastors and evangelists
This priority list has been chosen, not as representing the best Christian or web books of any sort, but because they have special significance for evangelism and ministry in our rapidly-changing world. Some of these books are virtually the only ones to offer their particular insights.

Christian research studies and dissertations on Internet, church and evangelism
Wise insightful research is a pre-requisite to action: Nehemiah 2:11-18. Without concrete information, we are often just guessing and ‘flying without radar’. A growing number of people have done research into the relationship between the Internet, the church, and evangelism-related subjects. Not all of us are called to either write, or read, such in-depth material. Yet the concept of research in the Christian world is very important. Without facts and figures, or understanding of trends, we cannot plan strategy or anything else.

Book review: Purpose-driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For, by Rick Warren
Rick Warren’s best-seller has led to transformation of individual Christian lives and church ministry, as it has shown people that God has a specific fulfilling plan for their them. And one part of that, of course, is fitting into His evangelistic strategy for the world.

Books on effective writing
Reviews of best books on writing, especially for the Web.

Book review: Damaris study guides
Damaris are a leading Christian ‘culture-watch’ group who help Christians and non-Christians understand developments in contemporary culture. Their resources also include material for teachers and youth-workers, books and evangelistic CDs.

Book review: Foreign to Familiar - A guide to Understanding Hot- and Cold-Climate Cultures, by Sarah Lanier
Weather shapes our different national cultures more than we realise. A cross-cultural worker with wide experience, Lanier explains the vital differences between hot- and cold-climate cultures. This is not just of passing interest, because it dramatically affects how we communicate the gospel within different cultures. In a cold-climate culture, social life is lived primarily within the home. In a hot-climate culture, community life and relationships are conducted outside. Hot-climate cultures are far more relational, much less task-oriented.

Book review: The Death of Truth, editor Dennis McCallum, Baker Book Publishers
Christianity and Christian ethics are under attack as never before. But so often, we are like a blind-folded child in a party game: we know someone is hitting us, but we don’t understand who, why, or the nature of the attack. This book is probably the best available for explaining ‘postmodernism’. Don’t be put off by this technical term! It really just means ‘mood of the age’.

Book review: Hollwood Worldviews - Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment by Brian Godawa
Movies are the predominant form of story-telling in the modern world. So it is vital that we understand how engage with them, interpret them, and be thougthful rather than passive consumers. Godawa is both a successful screenwriter (To End All Wars) and a committed Christian, and he brings insider’s insights to help the rest of us. He guides us through the place of redemption in film, the tricks screenwriters use to communicate their message, and the mental and spiritual discipline required for watching movies.

Book review: Focus: The Art and Soul of Cinema, by Tony Watkins
Most people in most cultures spend a considerable part of their leisure time in the world of story – films (cinema and TV) and books. Using culture as a way in to the Gospel therefore seems almost essential. In this vital book, culture-watch guru Tony Watkins, of, writes about cinema with great insight and clarity. He divides his writing into three ‘reels’.