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Today's devotional: don't be afraid of change!
Have you hit a wall in your personal or spiritual life? This devotional from Daily Encounter...

Today's devotional: What never changes?
Do you ever feel like you can't keep pace with the change going on around you? Consider your life...

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Do I Love Him This Much? - #6621
Music is often a separate compartment in many of our lives where we've put up a "No Trespassing" sign for Jesus. We say, "Well, that's just my entertainment." No! No, it's an important part of who you are. So important you won't let Jesus touch it.

The Two-Word Tranquilizer - #6597
I can avoid so much frustration if I allow the God of heaven to be the Lord of my almighty, untouchable schedule. And I do that with two words, "Lord willing" spoken or unspoken, but consciously recognizing the sovereignty of Almighty God.

The Radical Side of "I Do" - #6590
So, laying down your life? It can mean changing diapers, or taking out garbage, or doing the dishes, or caring about the sacrifice of time; the sacrifice that involves listening when you don't feel like it or you don't want to listen that long. She needs your attention; you promised it to her. You promised she would be first.

Your Skin Goes Everywhere - #6580
Your relationship with Christ isn't just some set of spiritual clothes you put on to do spiritual work, to go to spiritual meetings and then take off. It's skin that you carry with you into every arena of your life. Living for Christ is a style that you carry with you all day, everywhere like skin.

A Refreshing Change in the Atmosphere - #6545
Do the jobs no one else wants to do, and let God use you to clear out the oppressive heat of selfishness. What a refreshing change in the atmosphere you could bring to the place where you live.

A Rescue Mission - #6484
God often uses the wandering of loved ones to actually make us re-examine our own lives. And the good news, if you're willing to mobilize all your resources, well, listen to what happened here. It says, "Abram recovered all the goods and brought back his relative." Fight for that loved one of yours with everything you've got, and God will bring them home.

Worth the Wait - #6460
Probably there's nothing that's cost more people the perfect will of God than impatience. So, don't jump to the high-speed line. Remember that the longer line may very well lead to the better view.

Give the Medicine Some Time - #6430
Don't try to make that loved one take a whole bottle of spiritual medicine all at once. Lovingly give a dose of truth, and then back off and let God grow it. Give the medicine some time.

'Did you know' video clip of digital communication trends
'Did You Know' videos have been a challenging overview of the effects and challenges of digital communication for several years. You can download this latest video for seminars and meetings.

Some Things Just Aren't Negotiable - #6407
It's time that we returned with humility to an open Bible and say, "God, how do You feel about it? And whatever You say, that's it! I'll do it." Now, we have to always speak with love and humility, but always with His authority. We, who love the Bible, are the only ones with the whole story; we've got God's truth. And those things? They just aren't negotiable.