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Collaboration is essential for evangelism and missions, anywhere
See what can happen when mission agencies collaborate AND use digital effectively, in this video by Create International, producers of films for the Majority World. Of course, collaboration is vital in any area of ministry, in whatever location: "All of us are smarter than one of us."

Free ebook: Why Every Christian Leader Must Blog
Blogger Rodlie Ortiz is offering a free ebook to all those who follow his blog. In his book Why Every Leader Must Blog: 7 Reasons To Start Now & 11 Tips To Get You Started, his contention is an established one – that what we sit down to consider, think around, and write about, we understand and remember far better. That's why you used to write essays at school and college, remember? It's one reason why people keep journals or diaries, or even take notes during sermons.

New C S Lewis book by Alister McGrath is a 'wardrobe door' into Lewis
This book is a highly readable and well-researched study. I was constantly wishing it could be twice as long, to give us more detail and background! Happily, there is more material – in McGrath's academic Lewis study The Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis. Unlike most earlier biographers of Lewis, McGrath is too young to have known Lewis as an adult, so he can develop a more dispassionate balance. He also avoids speculation – this is an evidence-based biography using detailed study of published or public sources, He has chronologically crosschecked the relatively recent Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis with the rest of Lewis’s timeline and all his published books, leading to an interesting new discovery.

How We Celebrate Halloween as Christians
Halloween is usually cause for great debate among Christians. Should Christians celebrate Halloween? What are the best alternatives? I am quite disturbed by many of the morbid and dark decorations and costumes that appear in stores because of Halloween, but this time of year can also be a great time to love on the people […]

What Does the Bible Say about the Judgment of Christ?
Any study of the End Times can create a variety of questions, concerns, and even confusion in our minds about the judgment of Christ. Sometimes it is difficult to see how obscure passages, distant places, and unfamiliar symbols can have any significance for our lives. After all, if we can’t understand what the Bible is […]

MAF Android app provides free library to isolated pastors
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has released a new digital tool that makes it easy for isolated believers to access — without connecting to the Web. Called Estante, Spanish for 'bookshelf', this free digital library smartphone app works offline and allows isolated pastors and church leaders to easily store, view, and share digital Christian resources anywhere in the world.

Suddenly Interested - #6823
Lives all around you are prisoners of Satan and prospects for hell. There are Christians compromising all around you, embarrassing their Lord, betraying their Lord. Lives are being lost to loneliness and emptiness because they're living without knowing God. How can you sit here when there's a war going on?

Reaching hurting people online as a volunteer Christian ementor
"It was a last-ditch effort. Nothing else had worked. No one had answers to my questions, or comfort for my pain..." Requests like this come to the team's outreach websites, and so they need volunteer ementors to write to inquirers, from their homes by email.

Heroes On the Beach - #6803
Maybe all your friends are Christian friends. Maybe all your free time is spent in Christian places, and yet you are surrounded by people whose lives are breaking apart like those ships long ago, who will die without Christ; who will spend eternity without Christ unless there is a Rescuer. And they won't come to the Life-Saving Station. You have to go where they are and bring them back like Jesus did.

Storytelling resources and why it matters
Two interesting videos on different aspects of storytelling. First, here's a short video from Sean Buluva, an oral communication trainer. It sums up the 9 storytelling tips he also explains in writing.