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Today's devotional: whose names do you know?
I'm terrible with names. I'm ashamed to admit that several years after joining and getting...

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Web has potential as medium for Christian communication and outreach
The Internet has become a 21st century Roman road, marketplace, theater, backyard fence, and office drinks machine. Web evangelism gives believers opportunities to reach people with the Gospel right where they are, just as Jesus and Paul did. The Web is an open window to the whole world.

Evangelism and outreach - the Communication Channel range of pages about evangelism
This block of pages offers help and ideas on a range of topics relating to evangelism, both online and offline. You are welcome to reprint or adapt any of these pages in print publications, course notes, etc, with a brief acknowledgement to

Readers Digest - why does its writing style communicate so well?
The enormous popularity of Reader's Digest over 80 years suggests that they have learned something in communication techniques! The magazine therefore offers approaches that we can use in writing for the web: * It aims at the reading level of a 13-year-old, yet does not talk down to adults. * It uses many true real-life stories about people. “People are interested in people.” * These stories are told in a dramatic way, usually with a key element of the person's story as a lead-in. * Stories use plenty of quoted speech: “He said... She called back...” etc. * It addresses practical problems and worries, and offers ideas to help readers improve their quality of life. In other words, it addresses felt needs which is a key strategy in evangelism. * Humor is mixed with serious articles.

Branding: using appropriate names to position Christian evangelism and outreach
What’s in a name? A lot. A single word can carry a whole lot of baggage. Even words with almost equivalent meanings carry different shades of meaning. Even such a word such as ‘postman’ in English, French, or German, projects a different image in the mind of hearers in each country. Other words carry much greater differences of image. If a health magazine article were to substitute directly-equivalent taboo slang words for body parts in place of the medical terms, many people would stop reading it. Yet the literal meaning would be identical.

Avoiding idiom, writing simply: keys to effective Christian writing and web communication
‘Idiom’ is the use of language in a way that is not literal. The English language is full of idioms. Unfortunately, they are not even universal around the English-speaking world. For people who speak English as a second language, idiom is even harder to understand. We use idiom all the time without realizing. Here are some really obvious ones...

Relating to the culture: effective Christian communication must relate to surrounding culture
There are right and wrong ways of relating to the culture around us. “Draw three large boats in relation to the sea: the first a submarine under the sea, the second a hovercraft above the sea, and the third a ship cutting through the sea. Imagine the sea is the culture that surrounds us and that the three boats represent three relationships Christians can have with culture. There are those who are submerged in it, those who hover above it, and those that are in it but not of it. Which boat most represents your relationship to the culture that surrounds you?”

Adult learning principles: how people learn effectively including in Christian environment
How best do people learn? It is an interesting question with some fascinating answers, because it has a high degree of relevance to effective Christian communication of the Gospel. Until relatively recently, all teaching strategies were developed for children. But now, considerable research has been done on the best ways to teach adults effectively. Indeed it is a subject that can itself be studied at undergraduate or postgraduate levels.

Why Christian drama communicates. Is it biblical and effective? Plus free drama skits.
Sometimes Christians have been wary of using drama. “Can it be right to communicate in this way?” they ask. Others may happily use drama for children, but consider it has no relevance for communicating to adults. We suggest that drama is an under-used yet essential means of communicating Gospel truths, both to Christians and non-Christians. Of course there are dangers. There are dangers with preaching, dangers with street witnessing, dangers with web evangelism, dangers with radio evangelism. Let’s look at why drama is biblical and effective.

Digital communication culture
Computers and digital media are changing the world. We need to be like the men of Issachar, “.. who understood the times and knew what Israel should do...” – 1 Chronicles 12:32. There are now over 2 billion users around the world, and the majority of them are in non-Western nations, especially the hard-to-reach ‘10-40 Window’ region. Many people look to the Internet as their first port of call for help and information on virtually anything.

Wilbur Schramm principle of common interest communication is a Bible strategy for Christians
There are a number of theories of communication, often quite complex to grasp. (Some are explained here.) They are nevertheless helpful to us in understanding how messages are transmitted and received. Rather than being ‘psycho-babble’, they often demonstrate human truths which are also clearly given us in the Bible.