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Making God Cry - #6485
David prayed a great prayer, and it is a great one for all of us to echo, probably on a daily basis. I probably need to echo it several times a day. He simply said, "Lord, set a watch before my mouth." Put a guard there. Be very careful to never tear down someone that God is building.


Paper Trunks and Permanent Wardrobe - #6483
Life is a series of new starts. What happens after the children are gone? Those new starts last from starting kindergarten, to college, to marriage, the empty nest, job changes, retirement. And we wear those identities for a period of time. But if you're ever going to find personal security, you need a transcendent identity—someone you can be forever. And Paul gave it to us, "In Christ."


Enemy Tricks - #6475
That darkness you're experiencing now, oh that's more than earth darkness. It is from an enemy who cannot stand resistance, but who is rendered powerless by the blood of Jesus Christ. So, make sure that you're fighting the right enemy and you're using the right weapons.


Controlled Avalanches - #6453
Deal with it while it's still able to be dealt with. Daily corrections are God's avalanche cannon. Get at the issue now. Don't wait until it comes crashing down on you.


A Better Way to Make Matches - #6447
Couldn't we work toward a better goal than everybody pairing up; a kingdom of men and women who want to be friends, not lovers? Out of that can come some really strong marriages, because, you know what? Marriage isn't the ultimate sexual conquest, it's the ultimate friendship. So, start practicing now.


High Water and High Walls - #6444
Two people living for themselves, or even for each other, honestly it just isn't enough to hold back the flood. It takes two people living together for the God who loves them. Praying together often, drawing closer to each other as they draw close to Him. He's a God whose love runs strong when our love runs low. He pours out His inexhaustible, unconditional love, so we then have it to give to the one we've pledged our life to.


Covering First Base - #6421
Just like Albert Pujols is His "ambassador at first base," we all get to be His ambassador at Wal-Mart, at our kids' school, on Facebook, in our service club, at the gym, the club, the workplace.


No Amount of Watering - #6319
We're drowning. We can't save ourselves. Our only hope is grabbing the Rescuer, Jesus, holding onto Him like He's our only hope. Grabbing Him is the difference between eternal life and eternal death.


Life's Most Expensive "If Onlys" - #6313
Each day is filled with opportunities to listen, to hug, to debrief, to teach, and they'll never come again. It's true in marriage, too. Days without being close become weeks, and months, and years. And one day you wish you could have those days back. They're gone forever. The Bible says, "Make the most of every opportunity."


Dirty Dead, Clean Dead, Dead Dead - #6293
You could make a dirty person clean, but only God can make a dead person live. We try every way to make it on our own spiritually, but we can't. That's why Christ gave His life. Now, if you die without Christ, you'll be separated from God forever. But He's in your reach right now. You feel knocking on the inside? Let Him in.
