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Keeping Count or Letting Go
There are two ways of responding to life’s hurts and unfair experiences. We can either become a debt collector, or we can choose the pathway of restoration and reconciliation.

Forgiveness: Setting Your Captives Free
An exercise that will help transform your thinking as it relates to the issue of forgiveness.

Forgiven, Forgiving, and Free
The outcome of our lives is not determined by what happens to us, but by how we respond to what happens to us.

The Loneliest "Lonely" of All - #6088
Look at what it took to pay for your sin. Look at what it took to forgive your sin. How can we think there's anything we could ever do that would pay for our sin or get us into heaven? Only the One who died for your sin can remove your sin. That was your hell, your separation from God that He was taking on that cross. Now He's offering to you what He died for you to have

Responding to Hostile Fire - #5979
It's amazing what can happen when hostility is greeted with gentleness, when harshness is greeted with tenderness, when anger is greeted with love and understanding. When someone is shooting at you, you've got an incredible opportunity not to shoot them down, but to show them Jesus.

The Biggest Mistake of All - #5977
I'll tell you, if you know that Jesus has died on the cross to pay for your sin, if you've been "into Jesus" to some extent and you remain unchanged, that is serious business. And even though you're for Jesus and you agree with Jesus, you may be missing Jesus. The only response worthy of the sacrifice He made for us is to fall on our knees and give ourselves completely to the One who gave Himself completely for us.

What To Do With The Garbage - #2528
There is no reason to deal with the garbage of your life again. Not when Jesus Christ has shown you what to do with it. Bring all of that garbage up skull hill where it was already dealt with by Jesus, and leave it there.

Falling Down, but Not Staying Down - #5879
When you fall down, be as defiant about getting up and walking again as a baby is. When you belong to Jesus, there is no such thing as a knockout. When you belong to Jesus, failure is never final. Listen to God's words, "Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise!"

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Attacking the Acid That's Attacking You - #5693
The acid of bitterness has done enough damage. Jesus stands ready to neutralize that bitterness with a heavy dose of His forgiving love and grace. You'll find it at the cross where you were forgiven.

"Forgive" in the Bible: Luke 7:47-50
Jesus is the only person with the authority to forgive people of their sins. In Luke 7 he forgives a woman in front of an incredulous crowd of people saying her acts of faith and love were why she was forgiven.