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AiG -- Answers in Genesis


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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Silent Guys - #4308
Now if you ask most women, that's part of the problem in our relationships. This guy thing called "not much talking." Or at least not much talking about what's really going on inside us. Oh, we'll talk about work and sports and cars and "stuff." But too many men just don't talk much about what they're feeling ... about what they need ... about what's hurting, what they're hoping for, what's wrong.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Go When The Gate Is Open - #4314
That's what I learned real fast when I saw that the gate guarding the road didn't stay open forever. Tragically, it's something many people never realize about God's road to heaven - the gate isn't always going to be open. You have to go in when the gate is open. That's why God warns us in Isaiah 55:6, our word for today from the Word of God, to "seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When The Captain is Not at the Helm - #4327
In our word for today from the Word of God, we see what happens when the captain of a family forfeits the helm. As we look at the story in Genesis 16:1, remember that God has promised the captain of this family, Abram, that he and his wife Sarai are going to miraculously have a son in their old age. A son from whom a nation will come, and the son who they have been waiting for a while.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Something's Wrong - #4354
Increasingly, a lot of us watch the news and think something like this, "Boy, something's wrong. Something's very wrong!" We hear about violent murders in a top-ranked high school, people doing things to other people that are unspeakable, families ripped apart, just an awful lot of garbage. It just feels like something's wrong in our world. But even closer to home - with the people we love most - sometimes it feels like something's wrong in our family, in our friends. In fact, we look at how we act ourselves all too often and think, "Something's wrong in me."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Bumpy Road to a Beautiful Destination - #4361
Actually, you may be navigating a very bumpy road in your life right now, and you're not enjoying this process much at all. And as you're having to really slow down and to absorb the shocks, it's tempting to turn back, isn't it? But God wants to remind you today of something it is easy to forget when the road is rough: there's something beautiful -- something worth it -- at the end of this difficult journey.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Wrong Person's in Front - #4372
If it's Louie's birthday (that's not the name of anyone in our family). then Max shouldn't be pushing himself in front and making himself the self-appointed star of a movie that's supposed to be about someone else. It's really not cute and it really messes up the picture. Just ask God. People have been doing that to Him for a long time.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Point of No Return - #4384
Surprisingly, you could be at that point right now and not even know it. It's a point where the decision you make literally determines your destiny - your decision about Jesus Christ, that is.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When You Force it, You Break it - #4600
Right now, maybe there's something in your life that isn't working as you thought it should. Maybe the romance isn't there. Maybe you need to help God out a little bit, you think. Maybe the money isn't there and you need to figure out a way to help God with it. Maybe the future isn't working out the way you want it to. So, you're just going to try to make things happen. Please, don't Hagar. Don't force it. Hagar is a verb. Don't grab a wrong way to get a right thing done. You'll pay for that mistake for a long, long time.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Princess Unaware - #4647
The One whose love we were made for is on the other side of a wall - the wall created by our sin; all the wrong things we've done because we've been running our own life. It took the greatest act of love and sacrifice imaginable to tear down that wall. God gave His only Son to die brutally on a cross to pay your sin-bill, forgive all your sin, and make possible a personal love relationship with Him. The only love in your life that is unloseable.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Playing ''Catch'' With Daddy - #4653
Just look at your children, and you may very well be looking into a mirror of the vitality and reality of your own relationship with Jesus Christ. If you're cool or cold toward God, you'll probably see it in them. If you're excited about God, about His Word, about His work, you'll probably see it in them. If you're negative and critical spiritually and they hear a lot about what's wrong with Christians, don't be surprised if they don't want much to do with Jesus. If your actions contradict your Christian words, it will be hard for them to think Jesus is very real. If they see you responding to problems by trusting God in prayer, that's what they'll learn to do.