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Good health - a Christian perspective
This encouraging greetings wishes good health for Gaius, a close friend of the author and the recipient of this letter.

Bumpy Landings - #5841
Things aren't out of control just because you're experiencing some bumpy landings. God is actually using those bumpy landings to get your attention and then to give you some important messages from Him.

The Secret Of Staying Healthy - #5780
It's carelessness about staying clean that can cost you your physical health and, yes, your spiritual health. And we get careless when we forget who we are - God's temple, God's people, God's son or daughter. He says, "Don't touch any unclean thing." Remember who you are.

Health in the Bible: Proverbs 3:1-35
This passage describes the many benefits of godly wisdom. While some of these benefits are spiritual, many are physical, including health. This is a good reminder that followers of God are called to employ wisdom in all aspects of their life, and can expect that God will provide for them in very practical ways.

My Utmost For His Highest - The Law of Opposition
Finding a balance in every area of our life is vital to our growth. Oswald Chambers takes a look at what balance looks like in four main aspects of the life we live.

Matthew 9: 27-34 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Jesus Restores Health. Here, two blind men cut off from their society, and from the sight of the glory of God’s creation, saw an opportunity. What they could not physically see, they saw by a vision that was stronger than what mere eyes could ever have beheld.