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Facing the Flame - #6480
Could it be that we've gotten so busy and even so involved in accumulating blessing at our church, at our conferences, and our Bible studies that we have walked right by the people who are facing the flames? You know, we're all called to rescue them.

Still There After the Storm - #6468
The cross still stands, proclaiming that God still loves me when it's too dark to see His face. The cross is there, assuring me I am forgiven when the guilt and the regret are trying to drag me into their pit. The cross remains, reminding me that Jesus has beaten death when death seems to be winning. The cross stands tall, declaring "This is not the end. There is a future beyond this darkness, and I'll be there to build that future with you."

Surprises in the Storm - #6464
it may feel like you're either going nowhere right now or you're on the verge of disaster; maybe on the verge of being blown on the rocks. But remember, the surprise in the storm is this: that God uses these out-of-control times. He uses them to blow His children right where they were supposed to go all along. I know it feels like your life is out of control, but you know what? You're really right on course.

True Woman: When World News Gets Scary . . .
I know that some of you are feeling anxious too. So, as Christians, how should we respond when the world news is bleak?

True Woman: Disabled but growing stronger
“My disability might not change, but because it has remained, it’s become the source—the place—in which God has changed me.”

True Woman: Alcoholism, Divorce, and the Power of Forgiveness
When Lorna’s husband began drinking heavily, she decided that the answer to her problems was divorcing him. But through an “only God!” encounter, Lorna realized that divorce wasn’t the answer; God was.

Luke LifeGuide Bible Study
It was good news not only of Jesus' birth but of what he offered to men, women and children throughout his ministry. To the sick he offered healing. To the hurting, comfort. To the outcast, acceptance. In this study guide Ada Lum leads you to discover that this message of hope and joy is for you as well!

Isaiah LifeGuide Bible Study
As Howard Peskett guides you through these studies on Isaiah, you'll dig deep into the prophet's revolutionary message of repentance, forgiveness and hope. And you'll find comfort for coping with your own troubled times.

True Woman Blog: Light in the Darkness
The miscarriage came in the early morning hours the day after the doctor’s visit. A womb emptied its treasure far too early, a daughter delved into pain deeper than she’s ever known, and questions fill the empty spaces.

True Woman Blog: Planting Hope
One late autumn day last year, when my world had caved around me, my friend Maggie gave me a priceless gift.