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The Most Vulnerable Spot - #3105
When you are handling money, always take the high road. Don't see how close to the edge of integrity you can play - see how far you can stay from the edge - always erring on the side of taking too many precautions. Money seems to have spiritual power - and Satan knows it. He has used the abuse of it - or just naive carelessness with it - to majorly harm to the name of Christ and the trust of God's people.

A Very Expensive House - #5925
In a sense, you drag God into everything you do with your body. It's not your body to do what you please with, to drink what you want, eat what you want, watch what you want, listen to what you want. You don't eat what you want, do what feels good with it, put poison into it, and use it for things God hates. This house was bought at a very expensive price; in fact, the highest price ever paid - the life of the sinless Son of God. And now you've invited Him to move into this house He paid for with His life. Treat your body like what it really is. It's the property of God!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - How to Go Everywhere with Your Kids - #8292 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Our daughter isn’t afraid to tackle a real parenting challenge, like teaching an eight-year-old boy the value of writing thank you notes for gifts he receives. That’s exactly what she’s been doing with our grandson. And while they were writing those notes, she said, “How are you going to remember to do this when I’m not around?” And he said, “The voice inside me that sounds like you.”

A Healthy Appetite - #5919
God's Word is designed to be your anchor, the one thing that does not move when everything else is. God gave you His Word to be your flashlight to illuminate the ground you have to walk on today. It's your harbor where you can find God's peace in any storm. And in His words, God reveals your orders from heaven for this day.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Temptation Beating - #8276 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I heard one Senator addressing his concern with what has seemed like an infinite flow of money to bail out companies and institutions. He simply said, “We need an exit strategy.” Well, the military talks about exit strategies, too, as in how to successfully leave Iraq or Afghanistan. Then there’s the exit strategy they encourage you to think about when you get on a commercial airliner–be sure you know where the exits are, just in case. An exit strategy…that might be what you need right now.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Stopping What Will Sink You - #8264 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and you know, that story says a lot. Don’t underestimate the power of temptation to lure you to the rocks–to disaster.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Embarrassing Endorsements - #8254 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
They call them celebrity endorsements. You know, I see some athlete or celebrity in a commercial, using some product, and I’m supposed to think, “Hey, I like that guy. So I guess I’ll use their product.” Athletes, for example, can make major bucks from these endorsements. Here’s where the problem comes in. What if the guy you’ve associated with your product is suddenly associated with some not-so-nice behavior; like the Olympic star eating a certain cereal who was also allegedly photographed using marijuana? Oops! Or the singer with the chewing gum in his hand who suddenly is accused of not treating his girlfriend very well? Oops! That’s when endorsement turns to like embarrassment.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Clouds Over Baseball - #8253 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I heard it first from my baseball card collecting grandson: “Hear about A-Rod? He admitted using steroids.” He’s not the only 10-year-old boy to lock in on that news. And that’s not who you want to hear it from. Alex Rodriguez–three-time American League MVP, baseball’s highest paid player–admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs. And clouds again rolled in over Major League Baseball. He’s not the first, and probably not the last to have a giant question mark over a great career. How much was his ability, and how much was what he injected into his system?

The Amazing View Up Close - #5912
We make serious mistakes because we forget, or we don't know, how very big our God is. We overestimate earth-stuff and underestimate our Almighty God. A safe distance isn't really all that safe is it? Don't just believe in Him, pursue Him with everything you've got. The closer you get, the more amazing He looks.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Checking Out a Man - #8224 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and in sports, in relationships, in business, in stressful moments, there’s a way that a guy proves he’s a man.