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Lausanne World Pulse -The Strategic Role of www.hikidz.org in Internet Child Evangelism
Children's website offers fun, entertainment and Christian teaching to kids around the world.


Lausanne World Pulse - Mahalife.com and the Younger Generation of India
One online ministry offers the younger generation in India the opportunity to accept Christ and grow in their faith through online counseling and discipleship.


Lausanne World Pulse - Internet Users Present Vast Opportunities for Online Evangelism
Evangelistic websites use different models to share the gospel. This variety makes online evangelism more effective than ever.


Lausanne World Pulse - The Internet Missionary Society of 2020
Although the gospel forever remains the same, how it is delivered, who is communicating it and the means of responding to it will be profoundly changed in the coming years.


Lausanne World Pulse - Themed Articles - Contextualizing Cyberspace—Missiology Still Matte
Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN can help hundreds of millions of people who are interested in searching for faith to find the gospel.


Lausanne World Pulse - Casting a Global Net
When it comes to sharing the gospel of Christ with many people at one time—casting the proverbial large net—Christians eagerly use the tools of their day. Paul preached from Mars Hill. Luther churned out printed Bibles. 1900s Gospel tents and Stadium gatherings. Today the Internet! By Dave Hackett


Lausanne World Pulse - Internet Evangelism and Cybermissions Course
John Edmiston answers questions about this newly developed course for Fuller Theological Seminary's School of Intercultural Studies. This course trains students to use the Internet to share the gospel.
