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Today's Devotional: Eyes of the Kingdom
Do you find it easy or hard to see God's kingdom in your everyday life? In this devotional...

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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Death Orbit - #4394
What's far more significant - and far more deadly - is God's survey about what orbit you and I are in. In the words of the Bible, we were "created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). Like the earth is created to revolve around the sun, so you and I are created to revolve our life around our Creator.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Putting Clean On Over Dirty - #4566
Covering up your dirty with a layer of clean isn't going to cut it. It's self-deception, living a lie, defying God, and building up judgment. Don't you think it's time to come clean - even if it hurts? It will hurt a whole lot more not to come clean. You know you're sick of that battle inside you. It's tearing you apart - the guilt, the fear of getting caught, the shame. And you know God is sick of this charade.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Your Time to Shine - #4572
Right now God is summoning you, as unlikely and unqualified as you may feel, to get out of the shadows and onto the front lines. Someone has to take that assignment no one else is rising to. Someone needs to step up and change the atmosphere in your church, or in your school, or in your home, or where you work. Someone has to fight for your marriage. Someone has to be the one to confront what's wrong, to bring people together, to lead a prayer effort, to talk about Jesus.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Liberating Power of a Few Hallelujahs - #4575
Jesus says He wants to trade our bondages for freedom, our mourning for comfort, our ugly ashes for something beautiful, and our despair for praise. And liberation from so much that's dark in life is rooted in wearing that garment of praise, no matter what situation we're in. Praise can set you free from discouragement, self-pity, frustration, bitterness, even grief. And, on any given day, there's always something to praise Him for.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How About My Brother? - #4576
Now, you are not going to have any peace until you say what Isaiah said; you'll have no fulfillment. You can't delegate spiritual responsibility for the people in your world. God is asking you to step up. Your family needs a spiritual leader, Dad. You say, "Well, how about my wife?" No, the buck stops with you, man.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hands Tell it All - #4579
The hands that paid you or met your material needs are maybe closed to you right now. The hands that once applauded you are silent now. Even the hands that would like to help you now cannot reach far enough to touch you where you're really hurting. Well, today almighty God has His hands open, and He cannot forget you. There are nail prints in those hands because of how much He loves you, and no matter how alone you feel right now, He is offering you all the grace, and all the love, and all the understanding, and all the power you need.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Horizon Fix - #4603
If you navigate or decide by your feelings, you're going to be all over the place. Maybe you have been. Your feelings lie to you so much of the time. If you navigate by the approval of other people, you're going to be up and down all the time. Are you tired of this inconsistency, this roller coaster, this confusion? Then adjust your attitude so it's lined up squarely with the horizon, and the horizon is Jesus.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Looking Out the Wrong Window - #4604
There are reasons why all the roads except the one that has Jesus and His cross on it leave us hollow inside. It's because what we really need is not spiritual experiences, or warm feelings, or beliefs, or even a caring group. We need to remove the sin that is blocking us from a relationship with our Creator.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Way There's No Way - #4650
Right now you might be facing a seemingly impossible situation and you're shaking your head like the Jews at the Red Sea and you're saying "No way." Then there's this unexpected whisper from God's heart to yours: "Way." He's just trying to assure you that He will make a way through mighty waters that seem overwhelming and unmovable - through the desert, a place where there seems to be no resources.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When the Eagle Can't Fly - #4651
If we can grasp how it is that an eagle in crash mode renews his strength, we'll understand how we can renew ours - and then "soar on wings like eagles." Just picture that usually strong eagle, sprawled out powerlessly, eyes focused on the sun, and his body and spirit soaking up its strength. He totally gives up in order to gain strength. The law of God's renewing work is simple - you have to surrender to get strong.