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Load Lighteners - #2845
Load lightening begins by having your radar on during the day - listening for, looking for burdens someone may be carrying. Be generous with your words of encouragement - for someone, that encouragement may make all the difference today. Think creatively about what practical thing you could do that would remove a little of the weight of that person's burden.

The Name That Says It All - #5908
There's no other kind of relationship with Jesus that will get you to heaven; not Jesus as your teacher, not Jesus as your religion, not Jesus as your belief. It has to be Jesus as your rescuer from your sin. If you've never really thrown your arms around God's rescuer and said, "Save me, Lord," don't wait another day to do that.

How to Get the Rest of the Story - #5907
Here's what Solomon shows us as the steps to getting God's wisdom. First, you humbly admit your ignorance and your powerlessness even if you're number one where you are. Secondly, you acknowledge, as Solomon did, that everything and everyone in this situation is God's, "I'm Your servant"...these are "Your people." Thirdly, desperately seek His wisdom. When you do, God will give you breakthrough insight into that situation, into that person.

Loving by Anticipating - #5883
Anticipate when your spouse will need help, or comfort, or intimacy, or reassurance, maybe extended debriefing time, or tenderness, they need prayer together, or just some encouragement like praising small progress in an area where they've really been struggling. Usually, the love that really makes the other person feel loved means sacrifice on our part.

A Thousand Teachers - #5829
A person who realizes that virtually every person he meets has something to teach him is an emotional and spiritual millionaire. In fact, I believe God brings into our lives people through whom He wants to teach us things that we need to know. Humility becomes more concrete when you think of it, at least in part, as teachability.

When You Don't Have Enough to Finish - #5814
So many times - actually, often many times a day - I have no idea what to say, how to respond, or how to proceed. That's time to abandon the finite battery of what I know and plug into the infinite power of what God knows. When you're out of creativity, you're out of ideas, again, plug into His.

The Words That Tear Down Walls - #5787
Maybe you grew up in an environment where people never admitted they were wrong. You may be in a situation where the feelings are hard, the walls are high, and where you've been really wounded. But none of that changes your responsibility as a follower of Jesus Christ to say, "I was wrong" to say, "I'm sorry" when that's the case.

Boomeranging Satan - #5771
God says if you "resist the devil," he will "flee from you." First, you have to recognize who these feelings and who this pressure is coming from. Then, you have to make a conscious choice that says, "I know who this is. I'm not falling for this! I am taking my stand against the devil's schemes!"

The Mirror Difference - #5742
There is nothing more vital to your following Christ than getting personal direction from Him each day through His words. You may be reading the Bible, but are you letting the Bible read you? Before you read, ask God, the Author of what you're about to read, to take His words and help you apply them to something specific that you're going to face this very day.

Indonesian Jesus Chooses 12 Helpers
Indonesian: Jesus teaches God's Word & heals the sick. Jesus chooses 12 disciples. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Simon the Zealot, James the son of Alphaeus, Judas brother of James & Judas Iscariot. Jesus says a wise man obeys God. He says to love our enemy.