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Today's Devotional: Jesus' Journey
When we consider Jesus' life, it's easy to gloss over his birth and jump straight to his death...

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Going Not Knowing - #6515
Jesus died for you. Is He ever going to do you wrong? God's mystery trips always lead to a destination that is selected with you in mind for your good. So, why not settle back, enjoy the trip, and let Him drive. Trust your Father and don't be afraid of going not knowing.

The Bends in the Road - #6290
Paul said, "Everyone had deserted me, but the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength." See, the plan of God includes places where you will have no one but Him. Why is that? So you can experience life's greatest security of all.

How people find Christ - two vital insights into conversion and salvation
Two very helpful resources here: 1) The Gray Matrix Frank Gray’s modification of the Engel Scale is an incredibly useful pictorial tool: More on the Matrix 2) How Adults Become Christians Dave Bennett, UK National Director of Bridge Builders (formerly Pocket Testament Leaque) conducted this study by interviewing a range of lasting adult convert regarding the factors that had brought them to faith. His main findings were that the majority of lasting conversions: a. took a long time – an average of about 2 years. b. spiritual journeys frequently started due to a felt need or life problem. d. the biggest factor by far, claimed by the respondents, was ongoing relationships with Christians, and seeing faith modeled in their lives. This far exceeded other factors such as reading books, tracts, even the Bible, or watching videos.

How people become Christians: Gray Matrix explains spiritual journey of conversion, salvation + growth
Engel promoted a revolution. Not Engels the Marxist thinker, but James Engel the missiologist. He first outlined what has become known as the 'Engel Scale of Spiritual Decision'. This describes the way in which an individual, or by extension a whole group, progress in their understanding of the Gospel, as God's sovereign grace begins to illuminate their hearts. By understanding the way God communicates, we can become better co-communicators.

What You Can't See Really Can Hurt You - #6135
The devil wants you in hell with him forever. So he's blinded you. He blinds us with pride. We're too proud to admit we need a Savior instead of making it on our own. Satan blinds us with religion, so we think that a religion about Jesus will get us to heaven. It won't - it can't. Sometimes the devil blinds us with other Christians who have represented Jesus poorly. But Jesus is the issue, not Christians.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Magnificent Magnet - #8244 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and you know, there’s a spot like that that’s been drawing literally millions of people for centuries. People who come away transformed. It’s the place the famous preacher Charles Spurgeon called “that magnificent magnet.” It’s the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Journey - a Christian perspective
When will Christ return? We don't know--but we are warned that it will be sudden. Our plans and travels might be interrupted without warning by the Lord's return.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Taxicab Confessions | Eternal Perspectives | A Life That Matters Blog
Though I prayed that God would use me in some way to impact Brian's life that day, I had no idea that he was hand-picked by God for this moment and was hungry for spiritual truth. As Brian and I began our journey to Wheaton, he shared with me how he was a musician for a number of years while living in California..."until everything fell apart," he said.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Trip Planning - #8117
You know, a lot of people think of life as a journey and you can’t figure out the plan for that trip from the internet or brochures or a GPS device. Even now most of us are facing a whole bunch of things in our future that are beyond our control, that are loaded with unknowns, so much we can’t figure out, can’t make happen.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Inside Info On the Road Ahead - #5649
God really wants you to pick the right road - the road that lines up with His great plans for you. And He can see what's on all the roads out there. He can see which one is best, and He wants to let you know.