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Open letter to mission agency leaders, executives and staff about digital evangelism
To mission executives, field leaders, missiologists, magazine editors and missionaries everywhere: We know that your ministry's heart is to share the good news of Jesus Christ. May we draw your attention to the potential of new options that can enhance your mission's objectives: the growing array of digital and Internet evangelism opportunities.

Climate Control - #5940
You're a leader. You're setting a climate, whether you realize it or not. And the interesting thing is that you end up reaping the climate you sow. So make the place where you are feel like it would if Jesus were there. He is.

The Name That Says It All - #5908
There's no other kind of relationship with Jesus that will get you to heaven; not Jesus as your teacher, not Jesus as your religion, not Jesus as your belief. It has to be Jesus as your rescuer from your sin. If you've never really thrown your arms around God's rescuer and said, "Save me, Lord," don't wait another day to do that.

How to Get the Rest of the Story - #5907
Here's what Solomon shows us as the steps to getting God's wisdom. First, you humbly admit your ignorance and your powerlessness even if you're number one where you are. Secondly, you acknowledge, as Solomon did, that everything and everyone in this situation is God's, "I'm Your servant"...these are "Your people." Thirdly, desperately seek His wisdom. When you do, God will give you breakthrough insight into that situation, into that person.

The King Thing - #5843
God has given us teachers to teach His truth to us, but that doesn't mean we just put away our Bible and stop thinking for ourselves. That's how cults and theological detours get started. See, your primary source of truth must always be the Word of God, which you personally, one-on-one with God, examine every day to see what is true; trusting His Holy Spirit to lead you into truth.

Leadership in the Bible: Romans 12:7-8
Whatever it is we do in life, whether it's lofty or humble, the Bible makes it clear that we're to do it with honor and diligence. Leaders and teachers here are exhorted to carry out their tasks with integrity.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Prince Caspian-The Strange Credentials of a Leader - #8073
A first step to a life that matters and to powerful leadership is the admission you can’t do it; you’re not enough. That’s when God is free to pour out His competence, His wisdom, His leadership.

Seven Traits of a Successful Leader : Jeffrey Arnold
Seven Traits of a Successful Leader. Leaders are born, not made, but those who lead can learn and improve. This group study will help them do that. YOU CAN BECOME A BETTER LEADER.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Passions of a Powerful Leader - #8028
Now there are two passions that drive a powerful leader; I saw it in the soccer game that day: target fixation and people priority. Relentlessly pursuing your goal, but never letting your goal be more important than people.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Choosing a Leader - #8031
Well, Americans are in their every four years spectacle of electing a President. And it’s a pretty historic and unpredictable campaign. Former Arkansas Governor and former pastor, Mike Huckabee, who has wanted his party’s nomination, was asked in a debate, “What would Jesus do on this particular issue?” I loved his answer. He said, “Jesus was too smart to run for political office!” That’s the truth.