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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Running in the Rain
You're alone out in the storm, feeling unnecessary loneliness because you're living outside of a safe place. Maybe there is unnecessary stress, pain, and emptiness in your life. You're trying to make sense of life without the One who gave you your life.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Looking Out the Wrong Window
A lot of people are intently looking for spiritual reality. They just don't find spiritual peace, promise of eternal life, and love where they thought they would.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fatal Family Resemblances
There can be many family resemblances, whether it's hair, height, face, or even health problems. There are some family resemblances that are less obvious and much more damaging. ... They damage our marriage, kids, close relationships, future, and our self-worth. We pick up from our parents ways of talking and acting that we didn't like in them. Suddenly we hear ourselves sounding like mom or dad and treating others as our parents did. We react, communicate, and live as they did in ways we never meant to repeat. Of course, our children will have to go through the same pain unless something changes.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Lessons That Shape Your Child's Life
Children learn what they live, for better or for worse. It's ultimately what our children live that makes them into the people they become. God doesn't give a human being any greater trust or any greater responsibility than the shaping of a person He made in His image. Our children are, as one author described them, "wet cement." What they experience with us day after day is writing things in that cement that will mark their lives long after we're gone.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Stopped By a Storm
Has your controlled life suddenly become out of control? Maybe you were going through life's journey with things looking pretty good, and all of the sudden a major storm has come your way.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How a Thermometer Becomes a Thermostat
You are either a thermometer or you're a thermostat. Thermometer people tend to reflect the temperature of the people around them. "If you're hot, I'm hot. If you're cool, I'm cool. If you're nice, I'm nice. If you yell, I will yell." What most of us would like to be is a thermostat—someone who controls the temperature in our situation.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Paid In Full
Is your goal to be totally debt free? Today there is someone you owe who has declared your bill "paid."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Price Within Your Reach
Have you ever noticed what happens when airlines lower their fares? First one airline declares a price war, and by the end of the day, everybody is having a sale. It’s great! ... People who were not going to fly anywhere are suddenly booking tickets. Hank, who never flies, is now flying to see his cousin because he can’t pass up the deal. Dave and his wife are traveling to California to see their granddaughter, whom they thought they wouldn’t see for a long time. People gobble up these lowered fares in a couple of days, and the phones practically melt down at the airlines. Why? Because the discounts bring something within reach that we could otherwise never afford, and we act on it.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Superman is Breakable
Half of the human race has been raised to believe that they need to be Superman. The world thinks guys have it together, we feel no pain, and we've got it under control. As a man, you know there's a "real you" behind the mask. ... You're a wounded warrior, bleeding a lot on the inside, or maybe a scared little boy inside underneath a mask of macho confidence. The truth is you don't have it all under control. Superman, in reality, is breakable.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Silent Guys
Barber shops are really "Guy's World" because you don't usually see many females and you won't find much talking. If you ask most women, part of the problem in relationships is this guy thing called "not much talking", or at least not much talking about what's really going on inside. Guys will talk about work, sports, cars, and other "stuff", but too many men just don't talk much about what they're feeling, what they need, what's hurting, what they're hoping for, or what's wrong.
