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A Heart Like His - #5946
The church you're in, the ministry you're in - is it committed to saving lives on the stretch of the beach around you, or just feeding and comforting the life-saving crew? If your ministry, your church, your Bible study isn't about rescuing those who will die otherwise, you may need to do a quick heart exam. Do you have the heart of your Savior who said His reason for coming was to seek and to rescue the lost?

The Winter of Their Leaving, The Spring of Their Return - #2398
Maybe it seems hopeless right now, but don't underestimate the power of Savior to bring stray children home. Believe Jesus for the day when He will in a sense give you back that child that you prayed for so long. In the meantime, let the father and the prodigal son be your example.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A 'No Regrets' Life - #8290 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
After many amazing movie successes, director Steven Spielberg decided to use his talents to try and capture an unforgettable story from the horror of the Holocaust; he called it “Schindler’s List.” It’s the story of industrialist Otto Schindler who used his business and his fortune to save the lives of hundreds of Jews who otherwise would have been victims of Hitler’s “final solution.” The movie ends with hundreds of those he saved gathering to thank him. But as they pay tribute to him, he begins a heartbreaking calculation. He looked at his car and said, “Look at this car. I could have sold it–ten more Jews. Look at this jewelry–five more Jews. This pin–one, maybe two more Jews.” He melts into tears, sobbing, “I could have done more. I could have done more.”

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Useful For the Big Jobs - #8289 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
My friend Rick was driving to work one morning, praying that God would show him and his wife how He wanted to use them. He’s in the building trades and God answered his prayer by placing in his mind the image of a crescent wrench. Now, a crescent wrench is designed to be multi-purpose; you can adjust it for the job that needs to be done, and it has tough gripper jaws that dig in. And God was actually telling my friends that He would use them if they were like that wrench–adjustable, adaptable, but digging in wherever He puts them. It might be something in that wrench for you and me.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Your Personal Expiration Date - #8281 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
We just got home from an extended ministry trip, and I checked the date on the milk in the fridge. Oh, the expiration date was a long time ago, and I really hate to chew my milk. The expiration date on some cans in our pantry have probably saved us from some unpleasant dining experiences. Wouldn’t it be something if people came with expiration dates? Actually, we do.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Big Time Fishing - #8278 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
When it came time for our family vacations when I was a kid, one person had the deciding vote for where we’d go–my Dad. He did the work; he picked the vacation, which meant we would go fishing. I thought it was boring—my Dad thought it was great. Listen, he would have gotten along great with a guy named Simon Peter. Yes, he was one of Jesus’ disciples, but he never stopped fishing.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Invisible Deadline - #8274 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
My friend has been in Special Ops in the military, and he told me what he learned from the training that one branch of the British Special Forces receives. These recruits were assigned a mission to go solo through difficult terrain and to make it to a specified destination before time ran out. One catch: they didn’t tell them when time ran out.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Titanic Tragedy - #8250 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I had just arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia to speak. And much to his surprise, I asked the cabbie to take me to the cemetery. I walked along this line of markers that all had the same date—April 15, 1912. That was the fateful day the Titanic went down. 1500 passengers died, only 700 survived. But most of the people buried in that cemetery did not have to die that night.

Turning Lights Green - #5892
Where are the people you need going to come from? He's already getting them ready for you and you ready for them. How are you going to get over the huge obstacles that are in the way? The God who parts Red Seas is going to make the way for you. How can you possibly do this thing when you are so flawed, so inadequate, so ordinary? Since when is this about what you can do? With God's assignment always comes God's enabling!

The Good Thing About Bad Storms - #5834
The hurricanes of God seem devastating sometimes and they can hurt. But He also sends them to accomplish things that might not happen any other way...the cleansing that your life needs. The new priorities your life needs. He's removing what's been blocked the sun so something beautiful can grow there.