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Honor in the Bible: Exodus 20:12
The fifth of the Ten Commandments instructs us to honor our parents. Stable family relationships are important in the Bible--and while the realities of our sinful world sometimes make it impossible, whenever we can, we are called to show respect to our fathers and mothers.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Child You Wanted, The Child You Got - #8226 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It wasn’t easy for Brian to talk about. He confided struggling with his sexual identity, and as we talked, the conversation became less about that and more about the relationship between a father and son. All of Brian’s brothers are jocks–like his Dad. Brian doesn’t fit the mold. He’s more into music and drama and art. No less male, just different. Dad has struggled to know how to love a son who’s so different from him and his other sons. And Brian thinks that what he’s ultimately looking for is a father’s love.

When It Hurts to Copy Your Father - #5751
There are things our father and mother did, things they said, that we were determined not to repeat when we had kids. Well, so much for that good intention. All too often, the longer we live, the more we sound like or act like our father or mother in ways that we never wanted to repeat. We know how much those things hurt us, and in spite of ourselves, they are now hurting our children: that same temper, that same critical spirit, that same manipulating, guilt tripping, harsh words, withdrawal or selfishness.

Parents in the Bible: Colossians 3:20
This exhortation to children to obey their parents echoes the same command given in the Ten Commandments thousands of years earlier. Love and respect within the family are important to God, and one mark of a healthy family is children who respect their parents.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fatal Family Resemblances
There can be many family resemblances, whether it's hair, height, face, or even health problems. There are some family resemblances that are less obvious and much more damaging. ... They damage our marriage, kids, close relationships, future, and our self-worth. We pick up from our parents ways of talking and acting that we didn't like in them. Suddenly we hear ourselves sounding like mom or dad and treating others as our parents did. We react, communicate, and live as they did in ways we never meant to repeat. Of course, our children will have to go through the same pain unless something changes.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Lessons That Shape Your Child's Life
Children learn what they live, for better or for worse. It's ultimately what our children live that makes them into the people they become. God doesn't give a human being any greater trust or any greater responsibility than the shaping of a person He made in His image. Our children are, as one author described them, "wet cement." What they experience with us day after day is writing things in that cement that will mark their lives long after we're gone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Useless Hand-Me-Downs - #5682
The fact is we've all inherited empty ways of life from our parents who were probably copying one of their parents, who were copying one of their parents. And now another generation is about to be marked by this weakness, or this sin that has marked so many before us unless it stops with you; which it can because of Jesus.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Back-To-School Butterflies - #8093
There’s a promise from God that’s been an anchor for us as parents for a long time and maybe it might help you worry a little less, nag a little less, be a little less controlling or frustrating your kids with smother love.

Ministry to Parents
We go into youth ministry because we love youth. But it doesn't take us long to realize that one of the best ways to minister to them is to impact their parents. Jim Burns shows us how.

Your Teens Changing World - Part 2
So today's youth are in trouble. In part 2, Walt Mueller answers the question, "What practically can we do to come alongside students and help them navigate these dangerous cultural waters? Although Mueller writes specifically to parents in this section, some of you can substitute "youth pastor" for