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Into Thy Word

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Garbage Where it Doesn't Belong - #5818
Bring your complaints straight to God. First, He's not going to be hurt by them. He's not going to be poisoned by them like the people around you will. Secondly, He can do something about your complaints much more than the people around you can do.

Major Gifts, Minor Glitches - #5799
You can complain about the manure, or you can be glad you've got an ox. You can gripe about the glitches or you can give thanks for the gifts. You can be negative because there's a mess, or you can be positive because that mess is the result of progress. And, as any highway construction people know, you can't have progress without having a mess.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Year That Everything Changed - #5698
God wants you to enter His Throne Room as Isaiah did - by prayer. He wants you to see His majesty; to realize that, by praying, you are entering the Throne Room from which 100 billion galaxies are governed and bringing your life and your needs to the One who rules it all. When everything's changing, you need to dwell on the awesomeness of your God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - A New Set of Lenses (Part 3 of 4) | Eternal Perspectives | A Life That Matters Blog
Take a moment to think about where God has placed you. Who is within your sphere of influence that God wants you to reach with His message? Whose eternity will hang in the balance unless you, like Levi, use the influence God has given you to get those people to Jesus?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The View From Down Below - #5634
When your view is under the clouds, under the weather, everything looks dark and dismal. If you didn't know better, you could assume that the sun was gone. But the view from higher up tells the real story - that the sun is still shining and the clouds aren't nearly as big a deal.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Rudderless - #4169
That poor young husband. It's tough to be trying to sail without a rudder to guide you. It's actually a feeling a lot of folks know, even if they've never been on a sailboat in their life. In fact, it's our lives that often seem rudderless - drifting - without any real sense of direction. It doesn't matter how big or how small your life is, it can still feel rudderless.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Not as Big as it Looks - #4095
Our daughter has developed what we call "perspective" over the years. Things that once looked very big to her, now look relatively small. That's not just true of porches and houses - it's true of problems and obstacles. They look so huge at the time - and so much smaller after we've grown a little and when we look at them now. The trick is to face today's problems and challenges with a little of tomorrow's more realistic perspective - and to realize that what looks so massive now isn't, in reality, as big as it looks. We'll know that later. We need to act like that now.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - It's Blurry Without Your Glasses - #3940
Something exciting happens when you begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - you get a new pair of glasses. It's the ability to look at your world, our culture, your choices and see God's perspective. Our vision of what really matters, what's valuable, what's right is really blurred and fuzzy - and often it's expensively wrong. But when you start evaluating and living according to what God says in His Book, the Bible, you can see what's really going on.

James 1: 9-11 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Seeking the Proper Perspective on Life! This passage is about our eternal perspective! James’ premise is to move us to more maturity by moving our mindset away from false beliefs and ideas.