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Mobile phones are a major key to evangelism and discipleship
There's one message that we need to write on our hearts: THINK MOBILE. Whether you're a web designer, church, social networker, bible or book publisher, or mission agency, mobiles are a vital key to evangelism and discipleship.


Incredible new evangelistic 'Talking About Jesus' iPhone app
Although there are increasing numbers of Christian smartphone apps available, very few are designed to directly relate to outsiders evangelistically. It's the old '99 Per Cent Problem' again. So it is a privilege to announce the release of the Talking About Jesus iPhone app, from UK's Damaris ministry. This app enables Christians to talk to their friends and colleagues about Jesus, and discuss His life and teachings. It contains over an hour's specially-filmed video content, all instantly available within the app and without a data connection being required.


Evangelism in the Digital Age: new book by Dan Henrich for Majority World
Just published – a new book by mediastrategist Dan Henrich: Evangelism in the Digital Age: Media Case Studies (Volume 1). The book is a series of case study reports on various film, radio, web and mobile phone initiatives in Africa, S America and Asia in the last few years.


Mobile phones: sharing Christian video clips on an Indian street: true story
Mobile phones offer many opportunities. Moses, in AP State, India, has made a photo diary (maybe partly posed) of a chance encounter he was able to use by sharing video clips by Bluetooth with a taxi driver.


Smartphones get everywhere. And do everything. Almost!
Smartphones are proliferating fast, as prices come down. Why bother to buy one? And how are people using them? Tatango have compiled data from Pew Internet research studies to produce this infographic...


'Did you know' video clip of digital communication trends
'Did You Know' videos have been a challenging overview of the effects and challenges of digital communication for several years. You can download this latest video for seminars and meetings.


Mobile phones - free articles to republish explain the opportunities for mobile ministry
Two free articles available to republish in blogs, newsletters or in print.


Too Good To Keep - #6281
Here's my question, "When was the last time that you personally shared what Christ did on the cross with someone who does not know Him?" When was the last time you played a part in changing someone's eternity from hell to heaven? Maybe when you first became a Christian you did. Could it be you've just settled into the comfort zone now? You may be very busy...very busy in Christian work, but you're sitting on the Good News.


Why churches and Christian groups should use mobile QR Codes
We are increasingly seeing QR Codes in public – those pixellated black-and-white squares, such as the one in the top right corner of this page. They enable anyone with a smartphone to point it at the code and be taken instantly to a website (or phone number, or other embedded text information).


Free 340-page e-book about mobile phones by industry expert Tomi Ahonen
Tomi Ahonen, of Communities Dominate Brands, is offering a free e-book called The Insider's Guide to Mobile: "Comprehensive overview of the mobile telecoms and smartphones business opportunity, from end-users to service and apps, to handsets, to the business of mobile This free edition has 340 pages of original content, plus over 100 pages of excerpts and reviews of Ahonen’s previous books."
