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Leave Your Garbage at the Door - #6594
You can't realize who God is without cleaning up your act. The first order of business is to go back over the last 24 hours in your prayer and expose those places where you've disappointed God; where you've disobeyed Him and confess it. Express your sadness over that sin.


It Doesn't Take Long to Freeze - #6476
You can't afford one day off spiritually. Begin each day...begin every day in the personal presence of your Savior, Jesus, who is mighty to save and mighty to save you from the sin of that day. A busy day, a boring day, a day you're away from home, a down day, a vacation day, a special day. No matter what the day, begin it in the presence of Jesus whether you feel like it or not. If you don't feel like it, you probably need to even more.


Unseen, Unbeatable Security - #5953
No more fear of abandonment. No more fear of the unknown. No matter how dark, no matter how lonely, you will have a Father watching over you who has promised He'll never leave you. For all the days of your life, for all eternity, you'll be safe.


Where can I go? - a Christian perspective
Christians believe that God is omnipresent--that there is no place in Creation you can go and be hidden from Him. There's no point in trying to run from God, and we can take comfort in the fact that He is with us wherever life takes us.


"Presence" in the Bible: Psalm 16:11
Merely being in the presence of God is a breathtaking experience. Here, the psalmist praises God for invited him into His presence.


Rest in the Lord in the Bible - a Christian perspective
God tells Moses in this verse that his very Prescense will go with him and the Israelites. They will rest in the Lord because He is going with them.
