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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Going Where You've Never Gone - Seeing What You've Never Seen
My friend actually had to move out of where he felt comfortable to experience some exciting things he'd never experienced before. So do you and I. That is, in fact, a fundamental principle of getting all our Lord Jesus wants us to experience. And maybe it's important we talk about that today - because someone who's listening may be stuck in their comfort zone, missing some scary but exciting things that God wants you to see.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Vacation You Can't Afford - #8063
You know it can happen in summer, or any time when your guard is down, or you’re away from people who know you, or you have more time on your hands. It’s called a spiritual vacation. It turns into a vacation from God, and maybe losing a life that matters. The most expensive vacation you’ll ever take because your enemy, the devil, never takes a vacation.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Staying Close to the Cross - #5239
Let the price that Jesus paid for you define your priorities. Live for the One who loves you the most, who gave His life for you. Don't let anyone or anything push Him to the edge. Let the cross inspire your humility, no matter how successful, how applauded and how appreciated you may be. Don't ever forget you're nothing except for that cross. Let the cross help you say no to sin. Jesus died for that sin!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Crossing the Grand Canyon - #5276
We have only one hope of crossing the grand canyon we've never been able to cross, and that is literally being carried across in the arms of Jesus Christ. He can rescue you from your dark side because He died to pay the penalty for all your sins, and then He rose from the dead to prove that He has beaten everything that has beaten us.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Checking the Contents - #5619
If you allow something polluted or dead in there, it will continue to contaminate the well for a long time. That's why we have such a hard time forgetting a dirty joke or a movie scene for so long. Sin-stained stuff makes a deeper impression than we could ever imagine. So long after the song is off the charts or the show is over, the pollution planted by them will live in your heart and continue to poison your thoughts and desires.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Wounded, But Still Fighting - #5287
A spiritual warrior realizes that the fight is more important than his feelings; the cause is more important than my condition. It could be that your wounds have made you start to give up the fight. Don't do it. Keep fighting for your marriage, keep fighting for that child of yours, keep fighting for the hard hearts you've been praying for, keep fighting for that ministry, that church, that calling from God.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Simplifying Your Journey - #3805
And what do smart sheep do? Try to figure out where they're going to find some good pasture...or try to figure out which road is safe and which one is dangerous...or move in the direction that looks best to them? Nope. They do what my wife did traveling in that unfamiliar territory out West. They quit trying to figure it out for themselves and follow the One who knows every mile of the road! In John 10:27, Jesus says, "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me."


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Sad Side of Superman - #3806
There's a Superman Syndrome that most males grow up with. Not that he has to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But if you're a modern male, you've often been made to feel that you should show no pain, no weakness, no tears, no tenderness, no deep feelings. You're always playing a Superman role that says, "I'm fine. I can handle it. I've got everything under control." Then one day all the feelings you've suppressed or denied explode.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Sending Ammo to the Enemy - #3841
If you are more and more getting life revolving around you, if you're becoming more and more self-seeking, self-promoting, self-centered, the devil has you exactly where he wants you. It's exactly where he was just before he was expelled from heaven. Now, before the fall, "humble yourself under God's mighty hand". It never has been all about you. It's all about Him!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - My Name In It - #3859
Actually, that wasn't really a unique phenomenon, getting all those newspapers. You know, we're all like that. When our name is in something we're suddenly a whole lot more interested. It's that way with what may be the most important statement in all the Bible - certainly one of the most quoted. Maybe you've seen the man at the National Football League games in the end zone with that big sign that says John 3:16, maybe the most important statement in the Bible.
