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Today's Devotional: A Prophet in His Hometown
The Today devotional reflects this morning on the tension that Jesus experienced because he was...

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The Rest of The Story - #6432
Think about that person you care about, or that person who's hard to care about. You can focus on what they're putting you through, or what they're going through. And if you'll get the rest of the story, you'll be just like Jesus.

Prophecy in the Bible: 2 Peter 1:20-21
Prophets of God aren't just sharing their opinions or personal interpretations when they preach. They're communicating God's own words and will. Prophets were used all through the Bible to teach and correct God's people when they strayed.

Seer - a Christian perspective
Isaiah condemns Israel for commanding prophets and seers to relate only the things they want to hear. Israel wasn't interested in hearing God's truth; they were only interested in having their lifestyles affirmed.

Balaam in the Bible: Numbers 22:1-41
This is the story of Balaam, a prophet who was called to both bless and curse Israel. He is best known for his encounter with an angel and a talking donkey.

Prophet in the Bible: Deuteronomy 13:1-5
In this Old Testament passage, God's people are cautioned to carefully test the words of any self-proclaimed prophet or religious leader. If a prophet's teachings ever instruct people to do something contrary to God's will, they are a false prophet and should be avoided.

Prophet in the Bible: Deuteronomy 13:1-5
In this Old Testament passage, the Israelites are cautioned about people claiming to be prophets. Any prophet, no matter how righteous they sounded, who asked people to disobey God or turn to other gods was a false prophet. The same principle applies today--we must evaluate what church leaders and teachers are saying to make sure they are in line with God's Word.

Samuel in the Bible: 1 Samuel 1:1-28
There's a lot packed into this introduction of the prophet Samuel! It's interesting that Samuel's story begins not with Samuel himself, but with the simple faith of his mother. Hannah is a model of faith, praying persistently and patiently for a son and then gratefully giving him up into God's service when her prayer is finally answered.

Russian Ezekiel Man of Visions
Russian: Ezekiel is a prophet for God. He has a vision of 4 living creatures and a wheel within a wheel. Ezekiel saw a vision of a valley of dry bones that came back to life. This meant that Israel would be destroyed but would arise again. The exiles would return from Babylon.

Hebrew Ezekiel Man of Visions
Hebrew: Ezekiel is a prophet for God. He has a vision of 4 living creatures and a wheel within a wheel. Ezekiel saw a vision of a valley of dry bones that came back to life. This meant that Israel would be destroyed but would arise again. The exiles would return from Babylon.

ChineseT Ezekiel Man of Visions
ChineseT: Ezekiel is a prophet for God. He has a vision of 4 living creatures and a wheel within a wheel. Ezekiel saw a vision of a valley of dry bones that came back to life. This meant that Israel would be destroyed but would arise again. The exiles would return from Babylon.