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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Tools Without Power - #3865
And God says all our impressive tools are as useless without His power as those workmen's tools were without electrical power. God has told us how to access His power - with the only "p" that has any real power - prayer. The tool we often think of last - the tool we spend the least time on. Our actions, our use of time tell us that, no matter what our theology says, it's really our human weapons we're depending on. That's why we spend a lot more time in planning meetings than prayer meetings.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Battling Dehydration - #3877
Spiritual dehydration is the shutdown that occurs in your walk with God when you let your source of spiritual strength start to dry up. And it can happen pretty quickly when you live in the kind of spiritual desert most of us live in - like where you work, where you live, where you go to school. We absorb what our culture pumps into our mind and it drains the spiritual life out of you. The way to battle dehydration of any kind is frequent replenishing of the source of your strength.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The High Cost of Forgetting - #3881
For the most part, there's not much you can do about memory loss - the mental kind, that is. But there is something you can do about spiritual memory loss - because forgetting spiritually can be pretty damaging, too. It was, in fact, one fundamental reason why God's ancient people kept wandering from God, messing up their lives, and suffering God's judgment. And it's one reason we make the same kinds of mistakes.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Peace In The Midst Of The Storm - #3913
Now that was the title of the prize-winning painting - and rightly so. Because peace is not just the absence of a storm - it is peace in the middle of the storm. The kind of peace many of us could use right now -- the kind of peace that you can have right now. If you're resting where you ought to be.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Major Gifts, Minor Glitches - #3922
I walked away from the barber shop that morning with more than a haircut - I walked away with fresh perspective on the things in our lives that bother us - thanks to a man who saw beyond his aches and pains to the blessing of at least being alive to feel them. Here's how he weighs it out: physical problems - small stuff - being alive - big stuff. That load-lightening perspective is evident in our word for today from the Word of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Shadow that Scares Us - #3924
There's a big shadow that has bothered all of us at one time or another. To be honest, it can be a pretty scary shadow. You see that shadow sometimes when you're in the doctor's office, or when you have a close call, or when you've been to the funeral of someone you know... especially someone who was about your age. It is, of course, the shadow of death.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Light For Your Next Step - #3925
If you're just reading the Bible to fulfill your Christian duty or to accumulate religious information, well, you're missing the real power of what you've got in your hand. Those words in your Bible are God's light to show you how to navigate each new day.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Price Of Leadership - #3927
For me, that soldier's commitment to putting his responsibilities above his feelings was a powerful example of the price of leadership. And most of us are a leader to somebody - our family, people at work, people at church, or people we influence. There's positional leadership which means people follow you because of the title you have. Then there's personal leadership, which means people follow you because of the kind of person you are - with or without the title.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Thrill Of Feeding Yourself - #3938
Too many of us depend way too much on getting fed spiritually by someone else. We're living on that nourishment given to us by someone on Christian radio, Christian TV, on a pastor or youth leader or Bible study leader's lessons, on Christian concerts and conferences and retreats. And that's all good stuff. But if you've known Jesus for very long, what others feed you should be supplemental to what you're getting directly from God and His Word.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Never a Day Without a Sunrise - #3948
Look, some days you're going to wake up anxious. Some days you're going to wake up dreading the day. Some days you're going to be excited about what's ahead. Other days overwhelmed by what's ahead, or some days you may be discouraged, or eager, or exhausted. But however you are - no matter what the day holds, that sun is going to come up again. It always does.