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Compare one or two lists of emails and see if there are duplicates
Sometimes we need to check one list against another to find duplicates or to get a list of unique addresses. Doing so manually can be an onerous chore and is subject to human error.


Breaking Through Thick Ice - #6062
As you pray, God may very well show you things that He wants you to do, things He wants you to change. They may be part of what has created the ice. Tell Him, "Lord, here's my heart. Take it wherever You want it to go." And then open yourself up to the warmth of His love, and grace, and goodness, and His amazing ability to do whatever it takes to get our attention.


"Remove" in the Bible: Isaiah 57:14
Isaiah says that those with contrite and lowly hearts will be comforted. He says that it will be said to remove the obstacles that are in the way of the people.
