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Deeply Personal - #5856
"For me. What He did there is to pay for every sin I've ever committed, for every wrong thing I've ever done." It's at that point that you realize Jesus is your only hope of being clean, being forgiven, of ever having a relationship with God, your only hope of going to heaven someday. And you surrender yourself to this Son of God who gave His life for you.

Looking Great, Having Little - #5845
You know He died to pay for your sins, you agree with Jesus, but somehow you've missed the step of actually committing your life to Him, of turning from running your own life to Him running your life. There's never been that time when you actually gave you to Jesus. And there's no way into heaven without doing that, no matter how spiritually impressive you look. Maybe this is the day for you to actually move from just believing about

Speeding by the Cross - #5838
There's so many miles you've traveled, and maybe so many times you've breezed by the Son of God who died for you. But this is your day to stop and experience for yourself what Jesus died on the cross to give you. You will never be the same.

Caught Unprepared - #5825
You can reject Jesus simply by doing nothing. And believing in Him means you've told Him that you are placing your total trust in Him to be your Rescuer from your sin.

How Satan Sets You Up - #5766
The setup shot of feeling "entitled" is subtle. It's expressed in feelings like these, "I deserve it after all I've done" or "after all I've been through." Or "I need it. I'm entitled to look after my needs for awhile." Or "Others are. Why can't I?" If you're entertaining feelings like those, listen to the alarms going off today.

The Name on the Gift - #5729
I can't think of anything more exciting for you this Christmas than to look at the gift and realize that it's got your name on it. The gift God sent Jesus to give you, that is. It could be that He's been standing there in front of you, offering you this greatest gift of all for a long time. But you've never really realized that it had your name on it. You've never reached out and received it. It's time.

The Hands Tell it All - #5721
Jesus wants to be with you every remaining day of your life. And He wants you to be with Him forever. Could you reach out to Him today? And when you've taken your last breath, you'll meet Him at last. And you'll know Him when you see Him by the print of the nails in His hands.

A Brand New You - #5710
It may be that you've missed the imperative Jesus gave us to "repent" when we come to Him. It would be easy to miss; nobody talks much about repenting these days. But it still matters just as much to Jesus. And your failure to really repent may explain your constant spiritual roller coaster, your recurring doubts about whether or not you really belong to Jesus.

Go-bedience - #5709
You're waiting until there's more facts, until more of the risks are eliminated, to analyze the situation a little more, to get more signs. But you're not obeying! It's not obedience until it's go-bedience! And faith obedience steps out, not because you know where or how, but because you know Who. You know Who you are following. You're following an all-powerful Lord who will never do you wrong!

The Greatest Miracle Known to Man - #5701
Jesus, this name you have to believe in, means "Jehovah saves." So when you "believe in His name," you're telling Jesus that you're taking Him as your personal Rescuer from the death penalty for your sins because He's the only One who died for them.