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Today's devotional: becoming a little child
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus famously calls on us to "become like little children"—in fact, he...

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Providence in the Bible: Luke 12:24
One of the great promises that God makes is that he will provide for us. In this verse, we're asked to consider the ravens and how God's providence works in their lives. The point is that if God is going to provide for them, He will provide for us too.

"Do unto others" in the Bible: Luke 6:31
The Golden Rule, and one of the best-known of Jesus' sayings. If everyone followed this rule and treated other people in the way they'd want to be treated themselves, the world would be a very different--and a much better--place.

"Freely" in the Bible: Matthew 10:8
When you have freely received, you should also freely give. This passage from Matthew 10:8 is part of the message Jesus told his disciples to preach to the lost sheep of Israel.

"Blessed are those" in the Bible: Matthew 5:1-12
The beatitudes lay out the upside-down kingdom that Jesus came to bring to the earth. This passage is part of Matthew's recounting of the Sermon on the Mount.

Harvest in the Bible: Matthew 9:36-38
There's never a lack of work for Christians to do! In this passage, Jesus observes that there are far fewer people sharing the Gospel than there are people who need to hear it. He uses the imagery of a harvest awaiting teams of workers to gather it and bring it in.

Light of the World in the Bible: Matthew 5:13-15
Jesus' followers are described as the "light of the world." Just as it would be pointless to turn on a light and then cover it up, it would be foolish if we accepted Christ and then made no effort to do his work in the world. Christians are to spread the light of truth on the world around them.

"Love One Another" : John 13:34-35
How can people tell we are Christians when they see us? Not by our words, or our appearance, or by the possessions we own. Jesus tells us that it is by our love that we will be recognized as Christ-followers.

Rest in the Bible: Matthew 11:28
Many religions offer salvation to their followers, but at a price: rigorous rules, laws, moral guilt. By contrast, Jesus' invitation could not be simpler or more comforting: he calls the weary and the broken to come to him and find rest.

"Soul" in the Bible: Matthew 16:26
"You can't take it with you"--that's the message of this famous saying, which reminds us that all the wealth in the world won't do any good if you haven't attended to the needs of your soul.

"Weary" in the BIble: Matthew 11:28-29
Jesus invites the weary and broken-hearted to find rest in him. Jesus offers freedom from the burdens of life that no other religion or person can provide.