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Today's devotional: what do you need?
What is the one thing that you need in life? A loving family? Stable finances? A satisfying...

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Storming Home - #6896
The Bible says in Hebrews 6:19, speaking of Jesus, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure." And it often is not until things are out of our control that we understand we were never meant to run our lives. We were created by Jesus, for Jesus. He died to bring us back to Him, and maybe He is right now using your storm to blow you right into His loving arms.

Protect your WordPress website today with these security features
Church Mag reports an increase in attacks to hack into WordPress-powered sites (which these days are 22+% of new website launches, including many church sites). They recommend urgent action to increase the security of all sites.

Storm Surge - #6778
Battered and confused, we finally open our soul to the love that we've been looking for all our lives. And we find in Jesus what the Bible calls "an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19). The howling winds leave us, not lost, but found and finally at peace. In the arms of the One who speaks "Peace, be still!" to the storm in your soul.

Watching the Towers Fall - #6697
Be ready for eternity whenever it comes. More than anything, I think that's what screamed - and still screams - to me from the rubble of Ground Zero. We just can't count on tomorrow. That's why the Bible says, "Prepare to meet your God" (Amos 6:1 ).

Avoiding the Backlash That's Building Behind You - #6686
Stop running from what you should be facing. You've got to face the pressure, face the storm, face the issue, and if need be, face the Lord. Trade in that false and temporary security we feel by trying to escape. Trade that for the real security of the peace of Almighty God.

Mayor in the Flames - #6681
Spiritual rescue is possible because of the love of one Man - Jesus. Who didn't just risk His life for you and me; He gave His life. And He stands ready to rescue you from a spiritual death penalty you can't escape any other way.

The Gospel According To the Birds - #6513
If the usual means of supply are cut off, God doesn't need those. It's been God that's been the source all along. He'll deliver it another way. He will feed you from His storeroom. If you don't believe me, just ask the birds.

Big Wings - #6487
Who knows how many times I have been rescued from danger I never even knew by "the man with big wings." The few I do know are just the tip of the iceberg of the countless times God has kept His rescue promise. The little song our kids sang before they went to sleep each night says it all: "Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hands."

Faucet Fascination - #6449
Step up to a wonderful new security, one that can peacefully accept the loss of any "faucet" in your life. Because it was only a means that God came through.

What the Quake Exposes - #6409
Jonah revealed the high price of diverting our trust from the true God to another god. He said, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:8). If we only knew all we could have from God...but for the idol.