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The ministries in the Gospel.com Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Christian failure to communicate effectively with outsiders
Our biggest failure has been to frequently fail to reach unchurched outsiders. Yet this is possible, if only we would do it appropriately. Sheridan Voysey writes: "A fascinating experiment has been taking place in Australian Christian radio. The result is that between 40-70% of the audience listening to these stations have no connection with church...


Evangelistic opportunities online that no one is using
New initiatives don’t happen if we don'[t start them. There are huge numbers of potential digital evangelism strategies no one is doing. Yet. Outsider-friendly stuff that is contextualized for demographics and interest groups with zero interest in the good news. Ways to use popular culture as starting points in conversation. Engaging compassionately with felt needs and worries, or with other worldviews and faith communities. Maybe this infographic will encourage you! (And yes, there's a typo on it!)


Build effective church websites that reach the community
Without a website, a church is effectively invisible. With a website, you potentially create a shop window for the community to peer through. What is on display, especially 'near the glass', is very important.
