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Help for leaders from Officers' Christian Fellowship
This week, we're focusing on the topic of leadership. You can find a lot of leadership resources...

What makes small groups worth it?
My last small group ended in a mutual break-up. Everyone's life circumstances were changing, and...

Do large age gaps hurt small groups?
Have you ever gone to a party where every person you met was different from you? Last week, I...

What is this page?
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Lessons on Living From David
King David was a man’s man. He fought, loved and lived life to the fullest. Throughout this study you’ll be reminded that God is merciful to those who fear Him--to those who, like David, are people after His own heart.

small groups: Introducing Youself to Parents
This is an example letter that I sent out to parents of my 7th grade small group to introduce myself as their leader and invite their input. Adapt and use.

Discussion Groups: Get-to-Know-You Game
A good game that you can adapt and use to help students in your small group get to know each other. Each student gets a copy and a pencil.

Small Groups: How to Shepherd Your Group
A short article to help people leading small groups to shepherd their group with a shepherding notebook.

Small Groups: How to Lead One for Youth
A "talk-back" group is a 20-minute small group meeting following a big group worship and teaching time. Purposes: shepherding, connecting and applying the message. This paper is handed out and taught to the leaders when they first come on board.

Volunteers: A Job Description of Five Hours Per Week
A job description for small group leaders which asks for 5 hours of shepherding, preparation, etc. per week.

Volunteers: How to Fire Them
A volunteer is ineffective and either won't or can't learn new skills. The youth under her are turning off spiritually. What can you do?

Volunteers: Evaluation Form
Adapt this form to fit your small group goals and style and use it to evaluate the effectiveness of your teachers and help them sharpen their gifts.

Managing Volunteers: Evaluation
For ongoing development of your small group leaders, evaluation is invaluable. Here's how.

Recruiting Adult Volunteers: Tools for Evaluating Gifts and Abilities
Several tools for evaluating leaders' gifts and abilities are described and evaluated.