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Today's Devotional: Our Material and Spiritual Responsibilities
According to Wonder of Creation we have two kinds of responsibilities on this earth:...

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Your Daily Dig - #6359
You don't get the treasure out of an archeological site by the shovelful. You find it in those little spoonfuls. It's the same with treasure from God's life-changing Word. Slow down, take your time, and get all the treasure you can from your daily dig into the truth of Almighty God.

Who's Feeding You? - #6309
The foundation of a relationship with Jesus Christ comes down to you and Jesus, alone in a room. You with a Bible in your hands digging out your personal word for today from the Word of God.

The Most Important Mirror in Your Life - #6285
Don't start a day without a look in your spiritual mirror. And make whatever changes that are called for that day. I think you'll be amazed at how good you'll start to look.

The Cost of Overconfidence - #6298
The only way to stay pure is to daily, consciously wrap yourself in Jesus' righteousness and strength. The Bible says, "If you think you're standing..." Maybe you're there; you think you're doing okay. But you're hurtling down the highway with one finger on the wheel, eyes everywhere but on the road. You could be a spiritual accident looking for a place to happen. There's a very high price for overconfidence.

Fat By Any Other Name - #6302
We don't like to deal with sin; we like to disguise it. Maybe today would be a good day to pray something like this, "Lord, am I calling sin by a nice name? I don't want to mask my disobedience any longer." Deal with it before God deals with you. What does God call it? See, sin by any other name is still sin. And as the Bible says, "If we would judge ourselves, then we will not be judged."

Poison in the Blood Stream - #6268
Envy is a poison in the blood stream. It always starts with comparing. You can't envy unless you first compare homes, children, or beauty, or opportunities, or clothes, or positions with what somebody else has. Isn't it interesting that one of the Ten Commandments of God is "You shall not covet." And you know what? You'll never covet if you don't compare. It always starts with comparing.

Entertainitis - #6258
We need to commit ourselves to the spiritual discipline of a personal Bible study - time with Jesus that starts every day. That's the anchor of an authentic Christian life. Maybe it's time we say, "Lord, I'm tired of being so deep into my shallow, entertaining faith. I want to get rid of this disease of entertainitis."

Turn Around, Don't Drown - #6221
The Bible doesn't say to fight with temptation. It says to flee temptation (2 Timothy 2:22). It may not look very deep. But, believe me, it has carried away people stronger than you. God knows where the road you're on is taking you. And He loves you. And you've heard His warning, "Turn around, my child. Don't drown." You still have time to turn around. You won't have time when the flood is carrying you where you thought you'd never go.

The Very Different Children of the Very Same Father - #6202
our divisions are giving lost people just another reason to ignore our Jesus. They look at us and say, "Hey, when you guys can get together, come and talk to me." It's time we started to act like what we really are: children of the same Father, born into the same family, sharing the same spiritual DNA, rescued at the same old rugged cross, spending eternity together in the same heaven.

Bible Bloating - #6180
As you read the Bible, ask yourself two questions: "What is God saying here?" And "What am I going to do differently today because He said it?" God's Holy Spirit knows all about God's Word and all about your life. Each day ask God to show you how to bring those two together.