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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where Trust is Born - #4359
Wounded, then afraid to trust, and missing a lot of love. That's not just the life story of a dog we know - it's the life story of millions of people. Maybe it's your story. You've been betrayed by people you should have been able to trust - abused, abandoned, deeply hurt. And it's hard for you to trust anyone. You've just been hurt too often.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Grandeur of an Old Faithful - #4368
Our grandson says he wants an Old Faithful of his own. So does God. He's looking for some "old faithfuls" He can count on. The Bible makes it clear that a lot of the things we do don't really impress God much, if at all. But there is one trait that gets His attention and triggers His blessing - faithfulness.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Always There To Catch You - #4385
That man going over the edge, arms flailing, out of control - that could be a picture of David's condition in our word for today from the Word of God. It's in Psalm 94 beginning at verse 17. In fact, it could be a picture of your condition right now.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Flying Through The Dead Zone - #4386
Now you may never fly an airplane, but you probably know about navigating life's dead zones - those times when it seems as if heaven is silent, answers just aren't coming, no one seems to understand, and your feelings are either blah or they're all over the map. It's a lonely season. Maybe it's what you're flying through right now in your life journey.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Master Heart Surgeon - #4390
If God was a doctor, I think He'd be a heart specialist. Actually, He is a heart specialist - look at how He has changed your heart and mine. And you may be facing a situation right now that will only change for the better if someone's heart changes. There may be someone out there whose heart, whose attitude, is standing in the way of something you believe God wants done. It's time for some heart surgery - and one of the most powerful prayers you can learn to pray.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Slipping Out Of Focus - #4393
Now what you focus on in any given situation will determine your attitude and ultimately your response. It's important that you fill up your lens with the right thing, that you ultimately, of course, focus on Jesus, not on the circumstances. But your heart and your mind are a lot like my camera: you can't just focus once and leave it set there and think it will stay there - the picture keeps changing. You have to get back in focus for each new situation.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Death Orbit - #4394
What's far more significant - and far more deadly - is God's survey about what orbit you and I are in. In the words of the Bible, we were "created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). Like the earth is created to revolve around the sun, so you and I are created to revolve our life around our Creator.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Taking it to the Boss - #4206
Authority is really the decisive factor in getting anything done - putting it in the hands of the person who is in charge. Now that is a fundamental secret of getting things done when you pray! Those who understand that mountain-moving faith is about realizing Who's in charge are people who pray with power and who get results.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Bigger Than You Realize - #4237
The problem is we start to believe we are what other people have called us, what they've said about us. If you've been hurt a lot, abused a lot, put down a lot, you really start to believe that you can't be worth much. Or maybe it isn't what people have called you - it's the way they've treated you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Better Beyond the Bitter - #4674
God's wonderful promise is not that the bitter won't come, but that it won't last. It won't be the final outcome. It won't be the last chapter. No, for those who belong to Jesus Christ, "rejoicing comes in the morning." What did I have to do to enjoy the sweet taste of that candy? The same thing you'll have to do to get the rejoicing He has for you on the other side. You have to get through the bitter. But you can, if you know it isn't always going to taste like this.