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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Stain Is Gone - #3941
That is awesome good news. Imagine - no matter what you've done, no matter how far you've fallen, no matter how dirty you've gotten - if you belong to Jesus, you're clean - the stain is gone! No matter what your feelings tell you. No matter what people say about you. No matter what the devil tries to tell you. "No condemnation" is no condemnation! The stain is gone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Stopping the Fire - #3992
You need to quickly go after moral fires, too. Satan is more likely to bring you down through small compromises than major collapses. That's why all of us have to be alert for the little cracks in our convictions, our integrity - the smoke of that first flirtation, that first wandering thought, that first experimentation, that first lie. By the time you've made a few more compromises, well, that fire could be well out of control and hurting things you don't want hurt.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Garbage Where It Doesn't Belong - #3998
It's called complaining - which amounts to dumping your garbage out in front of the people around you. It's not uncommon to check and see who's listening before we go ahead and start complaining, or whining, or criticizing. When you do, don't forget the One who's always in the room - your Lord. And He obviously doesn't like it at all.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Case of the Missing Listener - #5423
Jesus said one of the two great commandments was to love your neighbor as you love yourself. One way you show that kind of unselfish love is to stop talking and listen to people as you want someone to listen to you. We want people to listen to us without interrupting, showing respect for what we're saying, giving us their undivided attention. Then to love them as we love ourselves means to give them that kind of attention.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Shape Up the Neighborhood - #5424
In Ezra's day - in our day - revival conditions begin when one person becomes what Ezra embodied - a radical repenter - someone who's sick of their sin, sick of the wicked ways around them. Someone who's willing to repent of that sin publicly, passionately, which leads us to your neighborhood, whether that's your church or your organization or your family, your circle of believers. Would you ask the Lord to help you see the immediate world around you through His eyes - and to see your sin and the sin around you?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Myth of Secret Sin - #5475
Imagine, God's love for you is so great that He poured the hell for your sin against Him on His own Son so you would never have to pay for it yourself. So you could spend eternity in the heaven that you could never deserve rather than the hell you do deserve. He really, really loves you. He went a long way to forgive you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Dining From The Garbage Cafe - #5482
If you're wondering why you feel defeated so many times, why you don't feel as close to Jesus as you used to, or why your dark side keeps winning and bringing you down. Well, consider your diet: what you're watching, what you're listening to, who you're spending time with, or the things you laugh at. God tells us in Ephesians 5:11 to "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Boss is Never Away - #5483
Temptation is strong at times when we think we're anonymous, when we think no one will know, when sin offers an attractive way to meet some deep need we have. Some tragic, life-scarring mistakes have been made when a person was away from home, on vacation, with their guard down, enjoying some "downtime," or when they were drunk or when they were high. The lie is that what we do when nobody's looking, when we're "off-duty."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Where You Were Created to Be - #5486
So you were created by Jesus, you were created for Jesus, and you're going to have hole in your heart until you have Jesus. It could be you've been trying to fill that hole in your heart for a long time. But no relationship you've ever had has done it, no accomplishment, no experience, no religion. They can't. The hole in your heart is so big it can only be filled by the person who created you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Happy Kind Of Mad - #5494
Apparently, it's possible to be angry with someone and deal with it in a way that isn't sinful - "happy mad," as my grandson might say. Sadly, we do a whole lot of sinning when we're angry. So we all need to know how to "be angry and yet not sin" as it says here. Righteous anger first has to be truthful, not exaggerated. "Speak truth," the Bible says. No exaggeration, no inflation, no stretching, no embellishing the truth to make your point. Stick to the facts.