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Demons in the Bible: James 2:19
It seems strange to think of demons acknowledging Jesus' Lordship, but this passage uses this image to demonstrate that simply saying you believe in Jesus is not enough--even the demons do that! Our actions, not our words, will ultimately demonstrate if we love Jesus or not.

Verbal Vomit - #2546
If people bled physically every time we wounded them verbally, I wonder what kind of a trail some of us would leave? It's time to listen to ourselves; to face the hypocrisy between our spiritual image and our private trash talk; to seek the forgiveness of the people we've hurt; to make our mouth the new frontier for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Maybe then what comes out of our mouth will not only make us feel better, it will make them feel better too.

Mouth and heart - a Christian perspective
The things we say are often a good indicator of the state of our heart. Do your words encourage and support those around you, or do they tear others down? When our words are evil, they are a clear symptom of a heart that's not right with God.

Premature Bombs - #2814
There are so many craters, so many wounded people where someone has dropped a bomb that never should have been dropped. A disaster can be averted when we check our information before the bombers are in the air.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Strongest Words In the World - #5697
Satan, who is the inventor of broken promises, loves it when you join his club. God, the One who never lies, really cares if you keep your promises. If you say you'll do it, do it. Whatever it costs, keep your commitments, because it will cost you a whole lot more not to.

Pass away in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Jesus says that heaven and earth will someday pass away, but his words will never pass away. The Word's words are eternal.

"Speak" in the Bible: Psalm 15:1-5
In this list of the characteristics of a holy person, take note of how many of them are related to speech. A godly person avoid slander, keeps his word, and speaks only what is true.

Mouth in the Bible: James 3:1-12
Watching our words and speech is a major theme in the Bible. This passage describes the importance (and difficulty) of gaining control of our tongues. Words have more power over us and others than we care to admit, so it's critical that what comes out of our mouths is praiseworthy.

Listen in the Bible: James 1:19
There's one surefire way to avoid speaking foolishly: remain silent, and listen to others instead of telling them what to do. Scripture praises the person who chooses to patiently and wisely listen to others rather than constantly voicing his or her own opinions.

"Words" in the Bible: Proverbs 12:18
The Bible is full of cautions about the power of words to do both good and evil. This proverb contrasts the destructive power of careless with with the encouraging power of wise and well-thought-out speech.