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Today's Devotional: the difference between 'if' and 'when'
We ask ourselves, "what if?" questions all the time. What if I lost my job? What if the stock...

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Unnecessary Running - #5714
The difference between personal peace and personal turmoil is an issue of priorities. Which kingdom are you putting first? If what matters to God, like your time with Him, your service for Him, the condition of your relationships; if those things have been shoved to the margins by other less eternal pursuits, then you're trapped in a race that knows no peace.

Stress in the Bible: Matthew 6:27
We've all experienced stress and worry, and sometimes it feels utterly crippling. Jesus invites us to look at our worries from a different perspective. What tangible good will come of stress and worry? If our worry isn't helping to solve our problem, perhaps it's time to let it go.

Anxiety in the Bible: Matthew 6:26-34
Worry and anxiety are natural human impulses, but this passage asks us if we are focusing our mental energy on the right things. Why waste out time worrying about passing matters when God has promised to take care of us?

Worry in the Bible: Matthew 6:25
It's easy to become anxious about the wrong things. We sometimes stress out about temporary things: our cars, houses, clothes or food. While all of those things are definitely important, they are not the things we are supposed to are to lose sleep over.

The Kingdom in the Bible: Matthew 6:25-34
How much time do we spend each day worrying? Food, shelter, jobs, relationships... these things are important, and it's natural to worry about how we'll find or keep them. But this passage reminds us that these worries simply pale before the importance of Christ--and that if we focus on Him instead of on our mundane daily worries, we'll find that God actually provides all of those things too.

Devotional : Asking God For Help Part 3 - Worry and Anxiety
In this final devotional in the series, we look at the role anxiety plays in our surrender to God. Whenever we find ourselves worrying about the outcome of conflict or crisis, it's an indication that there is something we have failed to do, or something we need to stop doing.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Tipping Allowed - #5654
Jesus also deserves the best of your talents and your dearest possessions. Who really owns that car of yours, that house, that music, that wardrobe, those books? Jesus' Name should be all over everything. He should have prior claim to how it all gets used since He paid for your life with His life on a cross!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Retreat, No Defeat - #4527
No matter how intense the battle, no matter how weary the warrior, no matter how overwhelming the odds - do not retreat! With the Word of God in your hand, with your brothers and sisters by your side, with the Lord your God fighting for you, it won't be you who retreats - your enemy is going down!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When the Devil Pulls Your String - #4554
Cowardice and criticism and negativity are contagious, and they're Satan's favorite tool to discourage a believer - another believer. Don't fall for it. One other string your enemy loves to pull: lies about who you are

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Making it Through the Pain - #4563
You can lose your health, your business, your marriage, you can lose people you love and still not lose heart. How? First, remember these four letters - TTSP. They stand for, "This too shall pass." Your ordeal is, in Paul's words, "momentary" and "temporary" against the backdrop of your eternity in heaven. It won't always be this way.