Does your church have a “missions champion”?

With all of the different programs and ministries vying for attention—and funding—in your church, is there anybody stepping forward to champion mission work? Whether you’re an official missions director or just a member of the congregation with a passion for missions, an article at Arab World Ministries is well worth reading: Serving as Missions Champion in Your Church.

The article interviews three veterans of missions leadership about what it means to champion mission work, what mistakes to avoid, and how current cultural issues affect the way we should champion missions. Whether your church is large or small, traditional or contemporary, there’s a place for a missions champion in your community—read the article and see if that person might be you!

update: while you’re thinking about missions, head over to and take a look at their new mission map of the month—this December, it’s a map showing the state of evangelism in Europe.

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