Getting Face to Face with God’s People

Looking into short-term missions? For many, a short-term missions trip serves as a life-changing introduction to serving God’s people. Face to Face International has sent 375 short-term missions teams and over 5,000 short-termers across the globe. Whether it be a local US ministry or a church in Thailand, their ministry “specializes in building world missions commitment by offering a wide variety of “face to face,” short-term mission opportunities throughout the year.” Trips are usually one to three weeks long, and they work with local ministries to ensure success and safety. If you’re still skeptical of the whole short-term model I’d recommend reading their article about short-term missions.

For those that are interested in taking a trip, you can see a listing openings here. Or if you’d like to volunteer your time with their day-to-day operations, read about opportunities here.

Face to Face International strives to empower trip through their leadership training. Team Leadership Training prepares team leaders for the entire short-term experience, from planning to what happens when you’re home. “Dr. Don Orvis believes that it is important for the ministry to start building up those men and women who lead teams. ‘We want to pour ourselves into team leaders,’ he says. ‘This, then, allows the team leader to personalize the training and to bond with team members as they train the group themselves.'”

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