Reaching North America’s “unreached peoples”

necmIt is not uncommon to hear the phrase “unreached people” tossed around when talking about missions and global evangelism. When I hear that phrase, my mind conjures up images of remote African villages or communities hidden away in the heart of the Amazon. But Northern Canada Evangelical Mission reminds us that there are people groups right here in north America that have been traditionally overlooked by the evangelical church. NCEM focuses on reaching one of those groups in particular: the indigenous people of Canada.

You can read more about NCEM and their many missions programs at their website. But a great way to get to know their ministry quickly is to watch the 7-minute video The Carving, which showcases the incredible work of an award-winning snow carver and uses it as a metaphor to explain their beliefs and their ministry.

  • Watch The Carving online (requires free Real player)
  • Watch the video and then take a look at NCEM’s various programs, which range from Bible camps to summer missions to the Tribal Trails TV broadcast. If it’s a ministry you’re excited about, there are plenty of ways to get involved!

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