Announcing the new Bible Gateway store!

Some exciting news from our sister site, they’ve launched the new Bible Gateway Store beta! The Bible Gateway Store has thousands of books, both digital and print, to complement your online Bible reading and study.

It’s a great way to pick up great content and support the Bible Gateway at the same time. You can pick from a wide variety of formats—in addition to print titles, there are plenty of audiobooks and ebooks for use on your ebook reader or MP3 player. The Store keeps an online library of the digital books you’ve purchased; you can browse your library and download titles as many times as you want, from anywhere with an internet connection.

The Store is in beta while the Bible Gateway team expands its inventory, fixes bugs, and improves the shopping experience for final public release, but it’s fully functional—and even if you don’t buy anything, they welcome and ask for your feedback.

So take a look at the brand new Bible Gateway Store and check back often, as they’ll be adding new products on a regular basis! And don’t hesitate to share questions, feedback, or comments about the Store during the beta testing period.

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