“Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”?

Around the holidays there is always talk about the importance—or unimportance, depending on your perspective—of holiday greetings. The debate usually centers around whether or not retailers should wish customers a “Merry Christmas” rather than a more secular “Happy Holidays.” Equally important—or unimportant, again, depending on your perspective—are personal greetings.

What about you? Do you say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”? Do you care?

14 Responses to ““Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”?”

  • jacques-mbulayi says:


  • Charles R. Higham says:

    I actually posted a Facebook comment about this issue last week, and was met with a little harsh criticism, reminding me that saying “Happy Holidays eliminates the ‘reason for the season.'” My response: really? The words I use remove Jesus from the holiday? My point in all of it was that it is about our hearts when we say whatever we say. In the end, though, I don’t think it really matters.

    • Tara says:

      This is interesting because I always lokked at Christmas greetings as being not only beautiful but pleasant. I would think that ‘Happy’ is the key word just as ‘Merry’. I think that sometimes we can get a little too spiritual or deep if I may say with our opinions and agenda not taking into consideration that what we say and how we say it can offend someone or vex their spirit especially if they are trying to be courteous and polite. I personally find nothing wrong with wishing someone Happiness during the Holidays, it’s not taking CHRIST out of the Holidays, but putting HIS compassion and caring Spirit out there for others to see and feel. It’s a Heart thing…be Blessed and on fb you never know what you may be met with…let’s just pray, trust and believe God for salvation for the unsaved fb family and every other lost soul, when it comes down to it, It’s All About JESUS CHRIST!! I JUST LOVE HIM and the BODY of CHRIST!!Ok now I’m getting excited..

  • Sheltie says:

    OK I have conducted my own little experiment with this this year. So far only with people who have served me in stores, supermarkets, the bank, library, doctors office, local government offices and cafes.

    Some I have said “Happy Holidays” to. And without exception got a look that was either questioning, or a rather curt nod. Those who did answer did so with a rather of hand “Thank you” as if they were being polite.

    The ones I said “Merry Christmas” to, broke into smiles and replied very cheerily “The same to you” or “And a Merry Christmas to you”. Other people in the queue would also look up and smile. One lady in Walmart even answered “And may you have a blessed Christmas” That really brought a big smile to folks faces. Those in the queues where I had said “Happy Holiday” had either not reacted at all or looked at me then lowered their heads again.

    Yes I do care, as it is better to bring a smile to someone than not. And to me this time of the year is about familt, friends and more importantly, for celebrating the birth of my saviour.

    May you all have a very Blessed Christmas season.


    • Tara says:

      I feel the same, there’s no greater joy than to bring smiles to people faces.This year as I was out handling some affairs I thought to myself, why not say Merry Chistmas and see what type of response I will get; well mind you, some people were taken by surprise, some responded back with a smile and reply,”The same to you” or “Thank You” and even if someone did not respond, it did not stop me, I went about the day greeting people with Good Cheer and joyfully and every chance I had to say something about JESUS it made me feel that much better. Spreading and sharing HIS love and WORD is so very fulfilling and a great honor whether by mouth, letter, cards, or e-mail, I love to encourage people and show them that they are special and they are not alone.May God Bless each of You and May You Have A Blessed Merry Christmas and a Bright Prosperous most Favorable New Year in our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s all care and bring a smile to someones face and warmth to their hearts. JESUS is the True Reason for the Season and like HIM let US show Compassion by reaching out and making someones Christmas Merry! Grace and Peace

  • Pat says:

    Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!!!!

    I wish you all a BLESSED MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

    Mostly because of love but with a tinge of defiance to conform otherwise……

  • Ray says:

    Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas….

  • Peter says:

    As the Bible does not mention this feast ONCE – apart from the actual occasion itself – and Jesus never celebrated His ‘birthday’; neither did ANY of His disciples/followers that completed the New Testament – why should we?

    As it is a proven fact that He was not born in December at ALL, and – even though at this time people were capable of recording the date – NO date was recorded at all.

    ‘christmas’ is a MAN-MADE festival that – even though it reminds some of their saviour, all the details that it tells them about His birth are FALSE.

    God himself has already given us 7 festivals to celebrate, that are reflections of past and future history, but the secular world (along with many christians) IGNORE these completely!

  • Tceddy says:

    I to submit to the fact that God knows and/ or looks at our hearts.
    The Salutation of happy holidays does seem to allow a broader seasonal
    greeting, as there are several different religions/beliefs that recognize and/or
    acknowledge Jesus The Christ as the true reason for the season.
    We live amongst such diversity that when we can bring a smile and/or
    peaceful celebratory greeting to others I view it as a gain and a testament to
    good heartedness.
    Whereas the Merry Christmas salutation may not be as readily accepted in/ by
    all religions, again I say thank God for looking and knowing our hearts, as I belive
    he welcomes good will towards all!! Blessings

  • Di says:

    merry christmas – it is time to bring good news to all the people. we celebrate for the birth of our saviour. we also have to bring good news to those non-beliver. it is our duty to tell the rest what is christmas is about whenever u’ve chance.
    happy holiday – it can be anytime. we celebrate holiday all year round.

    So a very merry christmas to all…

  • Barry says:

    I too have found wonderful positive responses when I say “Merry Christmas.” I make a point of saying “Merry Christmas”, not “Happy Holidays” it to most people I interact with.

    I do not support the “reverse” political correctness approach of some to boycott and pressure stores to use the term “Christmas.” That seems a bit too forced to me — like the Christmas Gestapoe.

    Our society is losing Christmas because Christian values and the Christian worldview have been lost from the hearts of our people.

    You can’t restore that with political pressue. Well — you can — but then it’s just an empty expression if it’s not from the heart.

    Better to work on restoring hearts with the Gospel and let the outward expressions flow from what is in the heart. Otherwise you are just hanging fresh fruit on dead fruit trees — looks good — but it’s all a big charade.

    “…out of the heart the mouth speaks.” — Jesus.

  • MrsC says:

    @ Sheltue – That’s very interesting

    Yes I do care. I care a lot. I feel like people are trying to take away our CHRISTIAN holiday. No-one tells the Jews not to say Happy Hannuka or tries to take Holidays away from Hindus, and yet the general public wanted to turn the day of our Christ’s birth into a secular day of reindeer, Christmas lights and men in red suits. That is not Christmas. People who say Happy Holidays are slowly taking our Christian holiday away. I feel people who are not Christian should not celebrate Christmas. I am also afraid that soon Easter will be taken away from us as well. It seems as if we try to tell the story of Jesus – the real meaning of Christmas – anywhere, that we are shunned, and considered politically incorrect. We are only allowed to share our sermons for christmas in our churches, and it seems the real meaning of Christmas is not allowed outside church walls.

    I think it is politically incorrect to say happy holidays. It could be considered discriminating towards Christians.

    Great discussion, and I love your blog!

  • Jason says:

    Are you prevented from saying ‘Merry Christmas’… or are you wanting to control what other people say to you? I say ‘Happy Holidays’ during this time – why? Not to be politically correct, but to encompass Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. It’s the Holiday season. On Dec 25 I’ll call my mom and say “Merry Christmas”, and say the same to my friends on that day. On the days other than Dec 25, I say ‘Happy Holidays’.

    Christmas is a symbol – like the flag or statue of liberty. It makes sense for people to have some passion about it. One thing to remember tho, you can only control your own beliefs and acts. One of the most devout Christians I know doesn’t even celebrate Christmas. Her church teaches that Christmas is really a Pagan holiday – so they celebrate Christmas EVERY day. (Yes, we all know Christmas actually was invented by the Roman Catholic church in 440 AD to replace a Pagan Holiday, but like I said, it’s a SYMBOL of Christ’s birth not actually the day He was born). Anyway, my point is, she doesn’t run around saying ‘Merry Christmas’ this time of year, but in my heart I know she’s 10
    times a better Christian than me!

    I live in a big city. There are Jews and Muslims and many other religions here. A couple times in the past few days I have been told to have a ‘Happy Hannakah’. I have no idea what Hannakah is all about, but I say ‘Thanks’. I take the greeting as it was offered, as a kindness.

    If someone is making you say ‘Happy Holidays’ and you really want to say ‘Merry Christmas’, then I am right there with you – that’s dead wrong!! If, however, you are just wanting to control others and have them say what you want to hear… then, well, I would have to ask what’s so Christian about forcing someone to say what you want to hear?

  • winter says:

    Time for semantics. To me the key part of “happy holidays” is the fact that it’s plural. Most people celebrate one holiday, even if it’s a multiday holiday (like Hanukkah). Being that the word holidays is plural leads me to feel how I’ve always felt about the phrase. That it isn’t a Christmas replacement or way of being politically correct.

    Rather it’s exactly what is sounds like Happy Holidays, thanksgiving, new year, christmas or religious winter holiday of your choice, and technically you could say it as early as halloween.