Is there a “war on Christmas”… and does it matter?

christmastreeIs it safe to come out now for Christmas? Slate ran an article last week arguing that the “War on Christmas” is finally over.

The “war on Christmas” is a phrase used to describe the American Culture War battles between Christians and those out to stifle the public celebration of Christmas. That’s the idea, at least; as the article points out, it’s a little unclear whether there was/is really any plot to shut down Christmas, or if the whole thing is largely a passing trend bolstered by a scandal-hungry media and a handful of overzealous Christian culture warriors. The “war on Christmas” meme seems to be dying down after several recent stories about “attacks” on Christmas turned out to be greatly exaggerated or untrue.

I grew up in a conservative evangelical community that was very conscious of and grateful for the American right to worship freely; and so today I remain fairly alert for possible threats to that freedom. But even so, I’ve never been able to get behind the “war for Christmas”—despite all the frenzied annual email alerts and news stories, I’ve never seen any real hint or possibility that Christmas is going away. It would be one thing if Christians were being muzzled in their churches or told what holidays they can and can not observe; but so many of tales of Christmas “persecution” boil down to meaningless trivialities, like whether or not the local department store is wishing its customers a “merry Christmas” or a lackluster “happy holidays.” I just can’t bring myself to get too riled up about that when there are so many other pressing moral issues that deserve our time, money, and energy.

What do you think about the “war on Christmas”—is it a real threat to Christian liberty, or just empty, media-fueled hype? Do you find the annual “Christmas wars” ridiculous, or do you think it’s important for Christians to participate in them?

Share your thoughts!

29 Responses to “Is there a “war on Christmas”… and does it matter?”

  • Tom Harmon says:

    It’s interesting that, any “war” on Christianity is only measured by the evidence of an “organized” conspiracy. With the lack of such evidence the alleged “war” is dismissed.

    The “war” on Christmas is such a case. We have no trail of memo’s or meeting notes but it is evidenced in the world around us. It’s not just that stores wish happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. It’s the active eradication of Christmas from schools, parades and work, all out of fear of offending someone. It’s the renaming of Christmas Trees to Holiday Trees or Christmas Lights to holiday lights. It’s the elimination of nativity scenes from Christmas displays (public or private). It’s the new holiday TV specials that celebrate everything but the Christmas story. It’s changing the words of favorite Christmas songs to say Happy Kwanzaa.

    Yes Virginia, there is a “war” on Christmas – fought everyday in everyway. It doesn’t rob us from celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. It does rob us of the Christmas heritage we’ve known and will continue to push it out of the public sphere if we don’t acknowledge the “war”.

  • Yes Virginia, there is a “war” on Christmas – fought everyday in everyway. It doesn’t rob us from celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. It does rob us of the Christmas heritage we’ve known and will continue to push it out of the public sphere if we don’t acknowledge the “war”.

    The “Christmas heritage we’ve known” reflects a bygone era when Christianity, particularly Protestant-flavored Christianity, dominated the USA. The 21st century USA is much more pluralistic than the USA of past generations. The public sphere should either reflect that diversity, or keep religious symbols and language in the private sphere. This does not mean that Christians should not participate in public life. It simply means that Christians should recognize, accept and welcome the participation of non-Christians in public life too.

  • No, Tom, there is no war on Christmas. What there is is a false outcry of persecution by those who believe that Christmas can and should be celebrated one way and only one way – by worshiping Christ.

    Of course, if you are not of the Christ worshiping variety, and you object to having your hard earned and government extracted taxes used to worship said Christ, it might be understandable if you are somewhat miffed to see a government sponsored creche erected in the courthouse, yet that would be perceived as persecution if you happen to vocalize your objection, even though Christ worshipers are free to worship their hero everywhere else.

    It’s kind of sad to see people who are in a clear majority of the population whine about persecution, when they should be rejoicing in the fact that our country is so diverse, that we can celebrate the same holiday at the same time, in our own different ways. Instead of trying to perpetuate a myth that Xmas is only about Christ, why not join hands with non-Christians, put down your differences for just one day, and have some egg-nog?

  • Well as long as you think in terms of “Christian” liberty and consider yourself being robbed of your “Christian heritage” then yes, there’s a war on Christmas. If, however, you can acknowledge there’s liberty and justice for all, and that there isn’t a separate tier of it for Christians then no, there’s no war on Christmas. As far as that heritage thing, well, that reads as code for privileged status, the way whites got to sit at the front of the bus.

    Look, Christianity has gotten away with a lot and still does as far as the issue of separation of church and state. Nativity scenes at City Hall, often at the exclusion of other displays (or at least making sure the others are smaller) and prayers to Jesus at official government functions. That “heritage” is one that we need to say goodbye to. Now as far as what retailers do, they’re always going to do what’s in their best interests and nowadays it’s in their best interests to not alienate any potential customer so “Happy Holidays” it is.

    Look, this time of year has been a time of ceremony and celebration long before Christians moved their holiday to Dec. 25th to take advantage of the festivities. So people celebrate this time of year without giving a nod to Christian belief. So what? No one is stopping you from having your Christian Christmas, so why impose on others?

    War on Christmas? There was a war a LONG time ago, and retailers one it. They sucked most of the religious air right out of it and replaced it with rampant commercialism and yet what are Christians upset about? That they say “Happy Holidays” now. LOL!

  • ZoeGirl says:

    Well said Tom. Well said. And by the way, Merry Christmas.

  • Walter Parelius says:

    I believe there is a war on Christmas, but not to those that are already saved. Nothing can take away Jesus from are heart and soul, but to those that do not believe (including those now and future generations) the War is about them. It is a continued growing movement to pull the non believers further away from God,Jesus, Holy Spirit, the Bible and the Church. Just as movements have taken all parts of Christianity out of the school, the Ten Commandments out of Government buildings and wanting to take GOD off our currency and Pledge of Allegiances. There is legislation to make any form of Soul Winning categorized as Harassment. Our prayers are greatly needed for this country, but remember a time table is already put in motion and we must always end prayer for this Country that Gods will be done.

  • Garry Floyd says:

    I think it’s a good idea to remind retailers that it’s Christmas time in a fun way as oppose to a kind of militant dogmatic way. For instance, I had called one of the large retailers about an item and the fellow answered the phone: “Seasons Greetings, how may I help you?” So the first thing I said was “Seasons Greetings? I remember when it used to be called Christmas” There was no response to that but another time I responded to the same greeting by saying “Now what Season would you be refering to?” But for sure their political correctness is deliberate to a point that certain commercials refering to ‘Holiday presents’ – Since when were they ever refered to that or ‘Holiday tree’ and so on. I do think it’s important in a gentle way to remind people that it is Christmas time and it’s surprizing how often it opens the door to tell them what Christmas really is – It’s back-firing on the enemy in that regard.

  • Eric Berglund says:

    My wife and I just read Jeremiah 10:1-6; it seems pretty clear that God does not appreciate some of the customs of Christmas as He mentions not worshiping the tree “god” instead of Him. How do we separate ourselves from these pagan traditions that are plainly rejected by the Lord and still honor Him regarding the birth of Jesus?

  • Larry Dale says:

    Rather than confronting the clerks or corporate headquarters to KEEP CHRIST “in” CHRISTmas. Let’s show them Christ “IN” us everday of the year [instead of just from the day after Halloween until December 25] And as we share–use every gift of the Spirit to make it real.

  • Luc says:

    Christ in Christmas… how many other languages have the name of Christ in Christmas?

  • You guys should realize that Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated in the winter by Americans. I don’t have a single problem with people celebrating Christmas, I don’t get angry when someone says Merry Christmas, I say thanks. The only thing is, if you want to have Christian related displays in public places, then people with opposing or differing religious views should be allowed to have their displays recognized as well. Remember, this country has freedom of religion and Christianity is not the only religion in America, and this is not only a nation of Christians, but Jews, Muslims, Atheists and more. So if you want to celebrate Christmas, go ahead, but don’t get angry when there are people that do not celebrate your Christian holiday.

    Happy Holidays!

  • I don’t believe there is actually a “war on Christmas” but rather there is clearly a war on Christianity going on in our culture. It’s obvious that via the ACLU, the courts, and our nation’s notion of “politically correct,” enemies of Christianity are waging a war against it to remove it as far from them as possible. Truthfully, there is a war against all religion, but the battles against Christianity are most obvious because of the Christian majority in, and Christian heritage of, the USA.

    Any evidence of a “war on Christmas,” such as legal attacks on Christmas trees or nativity scenes, and the change of salutations in the marketplace, is really evidence of the greater war on Christianity that has been going on for many years. No more prayer in school, no more creation teaching, no more Ten Commandments monuments, no more nativity scenes. The non-Christian forces militantly want the removal of anything Christian from anything public. The enemies of Christ fight against Him and everything about Him. But this is, unfortunately, not surprising.

  • Suenell says:

    I am not a theologian, I am not a scholar. I am a Bible Christian & yes, there should be a war on Christmas. The very root of it is Pagan & just because the Christian (Catholic) church adopted the day & changed the recipe to fit their followers doesn’t change what it really is. It is still a Pagan holiday.

    Christian parents telling their children lies about a fictional character named Santa along with all those trappings certainly does NOT help the child to trust the story of Jesus who is also unseen. Ask a little child about Santa then ask about Jesus to find out yourself just how much they know of each one! It is shocking & truly sad.

    If mud were shaped into a bar then covered with chocolate, does that make it a candy bar? No. Inside (the roots) will still be mud.

    Christ’s birth is vague. He did not want us to celebrate it, he came to DIE for our sins. It is the fact that he overcame death that we SHOULD celebrate. At Passover, as he partook of it with his disciples, he told them to remember him when they celebrated it again.

    Do an online search on “evergreen” just to see what God’s Word says about it. See Jeremiah 10:4 to see how they treated their wooden tree idols – they deck it with precious ornamentation.

    Search for the truth & the truth will set you free but only if you accept it. God said we cannot have 2 masters, we cannot serve Him & man. Pray for guidance. Read God’s word for yourself. Don’t take any 1 man’s translation or beliefs. Test the spirit. The Bible tells us so.

  • Lively says:

    This year I was completely out of sorts in regards to Christmas, mostly because of the rampant commercialism of the “holiday.” Also, I realized the same people who look down on me, who call me stupid for being a Christian – those that are self proclaimed atheists – celebrate Christmas, too. I was angry. But, as for a war on Christmas – I don’t see that. Madison Ave. wouldn’t allow Christmas to crumble – frankly I’m surprised someone hasn’t trademarked “Christmas” What a cash cow that would be.
    I got over being angry. If we as Christians want others to respect our belief – we have to respect theirs. God gave us all free will – we have no more right to impose our Faith on them than they do us. I can tell you from personal experience – being told you’re going to hell because you don’t believe in Him doesn’t help bring people to Christ – it turns them away. It’s my prayer that the hearts of those self proclaimed atheists who celebrate Christmas for all the wrong reasons will melt and have a glimpse of what the day truly means and turn their lives to Him. Proverbs 15:1 – a gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. Sometimes, I think we forget that when we defend our faith in Him.

  • John says:

    The war is the same as always – the spirit against the flesh, Christmas ( the day) is merely another battle feild. God bless you.

  • Twan Bakermans says:

    It’s like being married .You leaern to pick your battles.I told my neighbor the other week that something becomes an argument when you answer your spouse’s statement negatively,and after she has said something back you’ll say something again etc. I told him to surprise his wife and tell her right away in such a scenario that he thinks she’s right.A couple days later we met again and he told me how much fun he had to stunt his wife according to my suggestion.He also told me she shut up about it and the subject was never brought up any more.
    Lately I ask my self the question “Is this issue of world importance can I do without this argument and we don’t argue as much any more but talk to each other about things we both have peace with.

  • Dave O. McCarthy says:

    I have been told by my employer , “do not use the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ when greeting guests!You might offend someone.”
    Of course ,I say Merry Christmas to almost everyone I meet.:)
    The whole P.C. thing is totally “off the hook” in our country today.As if offending someone is the very worst thing you can do.Please!I see & hear offensive things everyday ,not the end of my world …so far.

  • Dave O. McCarthy says:

    I do believe there is a war on Christmas. An organised plot? Perhaps not by any particular group but , certainly an overall plan of that deciever of old ,satan!

  • Jason says:

    I agree with Walter, but wish to take it a step further. I recently went home for Christmas to celebrate with friends and family. My fiance and I did a lot of traveling over a period of about 3 days. When I got back home, I realized something…I felt almost spiritually dead. All the gifts, food, lights, trees, meaningless conversation with people I, to be honest, pretended to care about. I also realized that the quiet time I spent every day with my Lord and Savior had completely disappeared, leaving me to my wretched self. You see, the enemy didn’t need to destroy the meaning of Christmas with my family, we were already destroying it ourselves. So what if I suggested that instead of giving gifts to each other, my family gave out tracts to people or fed the homeless next year? I would probably be met by at least some opposition and you probably would too in your family. See, we’re called to be different, but we are no different. You can say Merry Christmas all you want. The Jesus the world hears about looks more like Santa than the holy God who will one day punish the wicked in hell anyway. Therefore, by watering down the gospel, we make fake converts who are twice sons and daughters of hell as when they started. Did you know that Jesus spoke more about hell than any of the other prophets combined? So how is it then that it has disappeared from the lips of His so-called followers? We make the stomach of God sick by our lukewarm gospel, as well as our lukewarm lifestyle. We desperately need revival in America. The kind of revival that will get us thrown in prison because we won’t shut up about God and what He’s done for us. Don’t be deceived, the reason we are still “free” to speak and declare the name of Jesus is not because we live in a great country (although she once was great), it is only because we haven’t declared the real Jesus. I truly believe that if a true move of God were to break out in this nation and Christians told the Truth with a unified voice, churches would split, and true believers would be labeled enemies of the state.

  • Steve says:

    I agree with Jason’s comments above. I too had a realization that all the hoop-la, chessy songs and family arguments just dont do it anymore.

  • Robin Bennett says:

    I was at our local Rite Aid store on Christmas Eve. I was at the check out when the girl said something about Christmas, and then said, we aren’t allowed to say Merry Christmas; because they think we will offend someone. I told her that offended me; so she smiled and said, “Merry Christmas!” Of course I said it back to her. I believe the stifling of Christmas is still prevalent; but maybe more subtle so we don’t notice it.

  • robert owen says:

    I definitely feel there is a “cultural war on Christmas”. I can’t say that it’s an organized war, but it’s there, none the less. These days I almost feel it’s an act of rebellion to go about saying “merry Christmas” in public, especially to unknown clerks, etc. Sometimes people will only reply with “happy holidays”, or just mumble something back. Certainly not like it was, say 30 years ago, when I was an atheist. Then EVERYBODY said ” merry Christmas” without any awkwardness. Me (as an atheist) included.

  • gerald says:

    No, I don’t believe there is a wr on Christmas, nor should it be. But, I do believe that we as christians have an obligation to our professed faith to not conform to the world. This should include not promoting holidays in a non-christian manner. Christmas is not for the children as some would have us to believe. It is a celebration of the gift of life and that everlasting; given to us by GOD thru the sacrifice of HIS dear son Jesus.

  • Marvin Olvera says:

    It is really sad when christians close their eyes to threats of any kind, but Jesus said be on guard of the yeast of the pharisees and the reason why people are taken over is because they are looking for great big fires and that is not the way the devil works and he takes a little at a time, but most will relaxed and not think nothing of it. When Hitler took germany alot of germany people thought he was doing good until they realized that he was in total control and they could do nothing. When sin takes over your life, the first sin is the major threat, it is just like drinking, when you take the first drink i don’t think you never thought you could become an alcoholic.

  • Jim Hooper says:

    Please understand that when a person wishes you a “Happy Holiday” it is a pleasantry, not an insult nor a war or Christianity. This country is very diverse and the celebrations are as diverse.

    Would I dare walk in to a company wide meeting and thank all the “white” people for attending, leaving out the other races in the room? Absolutely NOT!! Because as a society, we have learned the lessons of proper etiquette in regards to race. Why then should I walk in to the same meeting and say Merry Christmas, only recognizing the Christians in the room? So, when I say “Happy Holidays” or when a company displays a “Holiday Tree” they are not warring against Christians or Christmas. They are merely using proper etiquette and greeting EVERYONE during the season of celebrations.

    When I greet my friends whom I know are Christian, I say Merry Christmas to them. Proper Etiquette when the religion of the person is known. I say Happy Holidays to the postman since I am unaware of his religious beliefs. If he then says Merry Christmas to me, I reciprocate.

    As for the displays at the courthouse and on state owned property, separation of church and state should be observed. There is NO REASON why a creche can’t be placed on the church lawn and no reason specific Christians should fight to keep the displays on state property. Religious icons belong on religious grounds.

  • Adam says:

    In all reality, the celebration that we entitled “Christmas” is not really a Christian holiday. It was an attempt made by the catholic church to synch up a ‘church event’ with a ‘pagan event’ in order help convert people from paganism. A curious event very much so because you don’t see Jesus celebrating the event even once, nor his disciples after he had ascended. The activities like the Christmas Tree, and the decorations, Santa Claus, etc. are really a distraction away from the True meaning of the event of God being born in flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. If the world wants to take away the distractions by banning them, I am happy to let them so that we can get back to what Christmas is truly supposed to be about.

  • nancy says:

    The grinch who stole Christmas says it all……..It cannot be stolen……~!

  • I had a discution with my father in law about the celebration of the christmas with the tree and all the christmas stuff in the usual fashion.
    He argue that there is a pagan way to celebrate christmas.And that God
    didnt like this kind of celebration, cause the goal desapaire, when people spend a lot of money in presents,alcohol, parties. Probably he is right,when Jesus borned 2000 years ago, nobody did what we do now.
    Everybody think first in the christmas dinner, the presents,the decoration, to buy the last in technology.And what about Jesus? We just
    to went to the christmas service in our church, probably is the most important thing to do.To serve and love our neighboor, that´s have to be the pourpose of the celebration of christmas….

  • sharis says:

    To start off I would say that there is a war on Christmas. For the simple reason that all believe it is of Christ and as we know anything or anyone of Christ will be persecuted. Now the real question should be; should Christians celebrate Christmas. How about this question has anyone of you read Jeremiah 10:1-6, i believe that this refers to the so called “Christmas tree” that was already being used by the people of Babylon. So seeing that this tradition was already being used by lets say the world way before the Lords manisfestation into man/ birth; Why in the world are we Christians taking part in this?! How many people really understand the history on Christmas and when it came into play, how, and why? Then ask this why isn’t this being made clear to all? Are we all so consumed with tradition? What is more important Truth or Tradition? Lets be way real with it. Most of the songs that are so called Christmas songs have nothing at all to do with Christ, nor does the mistletoe, wreath, or yule log. Also if it was celebrating Christ why is it that around that time does the church get less offerings, due to everyone going shop crazy for everyone else? Things to make you go Hmmm…