Today’s devotional: the Word of God, among us

As Christmas approaches, Christians around the world affirm that they believe in Jesus Christ, the living Word of God. But what does it mean for God’s Word to become human and walk among us? In the Old Testament, God’s Word was spoken or written to His people; how does the “living Word” of the New Testament differ?

That’s the question asked by today’s devotional from Words of Hope:

…in Christ we receive a new kind of Word from God. Once again, God speaks and his Word enters the world. But now it comes in visible form, in the vulnerable casing of human flesh. This is one of the deep mysteries of the faith: how an abstract thing like a word becomes incarnate. It is also one of beauties of the faith. God’s Word, which had been previously manifested in commands, promises, judgments, and criticism, does not get harsher and more severe. It does not provide a new series of rules that only show us how far we fall short. Instead, this Word of God comes to saves us. “He dwelt among us,” the apostle adds. Better yet, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we now can have the Word of God dwell within us.

Read the complete devotional at Words of Hope. And with Christmas right around the corner, take a few minutes today to ponder the incredible, mysterious way in which God made his Word accessible to mankind—in human form.

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