Do you look up to any heroes?

Tiger Woods’ fall from grace late last year certainly came as a surprise at the time—he had long been held up as a role model, an example of a talented celebrity who stayed clear of the pitfalls that have compromised so many once-admired politicians, athletes, and actors.

But with the perspective of just a few weeks, it seems painfully naive to have imagined that he was immune to, or stronger than, the temptations of fame. Each time a beloved celebrity stumbles, it becomes harder to look up to anyone—the fear that they’ll fail to live up to our hopes makes us afraid to put anyone on a pedestal.

That’s sensible, to a point; it’s foolish to imagine that any human being, however respected or famous, is without sin and weakness. But the world feels poorer without any heroes to inspire us.

Do you look up to any “heroes” today? Who? Are there people who inspire your faith and life, people about whom you think “I’d like to be more like that”?

How would you react if (or when) that hero took a sudden fall from grace?

Share your thoughts!

7 Responses to “Do you look up to any heroes?”

  • John W. Baird says:

    Yes. I look up to Glen Beck of Fox News as an alltime hero for trying to ralley the General Public of this Nation to wake up and do something that is right. Even though it seems to be a loosing effort. We will just have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming election’s for this year of 2010.
    Love In Jesus Christ. Amen.

    • Llibby Jones says:

      God should be the only one you look up to or call your hero
      He died for our sins he was without sin. The word tells us that
      man is deceitful. Make Jesus your hero today.

  • Ray says:

    In 1979, at the age of 42, I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior. The evangelist Jimmy Swaggart really inspired me and I watched him on TV all the time. I went to Honduras as a missionary and when he went there to Tegucigalpa, I went with one of the top politicians there to welcome him to Honduras. Right after that,he went down,and I was hurt real bad. I was so disappointed I wanted to give up. But now, I admire the man,he didn’t stay down,he got up and is still there fighting. Maybe he won’t be like before but the thing is he’s still in the battle, and that’s something to admire and it helps me to go on.

  • Camille says:

    Mother Theresa is my “Hero.” She reached out to the poor in a way that I wish I could, and was motivated by her all-consuming love for Jesus Christ, and she has left a legacy behind on earth while she is singing, dancing, worshiping……in Heaven before the Throne of God!!!
    Just as an afterthought – I am not Catholic, but do embrace all who would call upon the Name of Jesus as Savior and Redeemer, believe in the Virgin Birth, believe in the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus!!!

  • mr coffee says:

    Need a hero?? Jesus has never failed anybody. I remember somebody saying once, “Don’t put your trust in any man”. The reason is because there is none without sin…NO, NOT ONE!

    • Llibby Jones says:

      Tell it brother and MEDIA please let Tiger deal with his problems
      He is human you know?

  • Fraser says:

    I look to the Soldiers of my country as heros